Earlier deployment and implementation of the front -line inspections are performed by the party and government leaders of various places to grasp the safety precautions of the Mid -Autumn Festival holiday

Author:Emergency Management Departmen Time:2022.09.12

This year's Mid -Autumn Festival is an important festival before the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Especially, the epidemic affecting the people during the holidays will focus on short -distance travel. The number of people in indoor venues increases. Most enterprises are full of load operations. Natural disasters are frequent, and the tasks of security and development, and disaster prevention and mitigation are arduous.

Party and government leaders in many places attach great importance to emergency management, disaster prevention and disaster relief, and safety production, and deploy in advance and judge the in -depth front -line condolences. They encourage everyone to do a good job of work safety during the Mid -Autumn Festival holiday and resolutely curb the occurrence of serious special accidents.

Counseling deployment to strengthen prevention

Party and government leaders have attached great importance to emergency management work, and they have always been implemented with the sense of responsibility of "constantly rest assured". Especially when they encounter holidays, they will always study and judge the deployment in advance and make clear requirements for related work.

On the evening of September 9th, in the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee's total duty room, Li Hongzhong, secretary of the municipal party committee, asked carefully to understand public safety, duty -guard classes, and emergency management. Li Hongzhong emphasized that at all levels and departments to strengthen duty on duty, strictly implement the 24 -hour special personnel duty and leading cadres in the job and bring classes, in -depth and comprehensively investigate and resolve various security risks, and resolutely curb the occurrence of major accidents.

Recently, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region will hold major meetings such as the 19th China -ASEAN Expo and China -ASEAN Business and Investment Summit. On September 8th, Liu Ning, secretary of the party committee of the autonomous region, emphasized at the video conference on strengthening safety prevention work that all levels and departments must coordinate development and safety, tighten the production strings, strictly implement the 15 measures for safety production, and carry out in -depth production safety safety. Inspection, comprehensively investigate and rectify the hidden risks, and "fight non -governance violations" in strict characters, and maximize preventing and curbing various accidents.

On September 9, the Shanxi Provincial Security Council held the fourth (enlarged) meeting and the safety prevention of the Mid -Autumn Festival National Day holiday and the safety production work of the tailings and coal mines. For the prevention work, Zhang Jifu, the executive deputy governor, asked at all levels and departments to compact responsibilities, comprehensively strengthen measures, keep an eye on key areas such as transportation, tourism, and fire protection to effectively prevent festival safety accidents.

On September 9th, Cai Dong, executive deputy governor of Jilin Province, went to the Provincial Department of Emergency Management. On -site scheduling listened to the Jilin Municipal Emergency Administration and Baishan Emergency Administration's inspection and inspection and report on duty. Flood prevention and typhoon work are deployed. Cai Dong emphasized: "The more holidays, the more you can't relax your vigilance. We must strengthen the emergency and duty. With the sense of responsibility and the sense of urgency of" constantly ", we must do a good job of doing all the work to ensure the stability of the safety situation."

Check the value of the inspection value to carry out condolences

The emergency management department is 365 days a year and 24 hours a day. It may face extreme conditions and life and death tests at any time. During the Mid -Autumn Festival holiday, party and government leaders in many places visited the emergency management department to check the emergency duty work and condolences to the staff who adhered to the front line.

On September 10, on the day of the Mid -Autumn Festival, the governor of Shandong Province Zhou Naixiang went to the Provincial Emergency Command Center to visit the first -tier personnel on duty during the condolences and dispatching safety prevention work. He emphasized that all departments at all levels should effectively stretch the string of safety, further enhance the sense of responsibility of "rest assured", in -depth analysis and judgment of various types of risks, accurately and effective prevention measures, pay close attention to the implementation of work, and stabilize them all. Control the situation of safety and resolutely prevent various accidents.

"Departments and departments at all levels need to protect the safety one by one process, to implement the implementation in one field and one field, and adhere to one node and one node to ensure that the province is safe and stable." Chang Sun Shou just went to the Provincial Emergency Management Department to inspect and guide the emergency duty and emergency preparations of the Mid -Autumn Festival holiday, and visited the cadres and staff who adhered to the emergency duty positions, and expressed greetings and gratitude to the majority of cadres and employees in the province's emergency management front. Sun Shougang's video dispatch Zhengzhou, Luoyang, Anyang and other municipal emergency administrations to understand the relevant situations such as safety production, and encourage them to use the hard index of cadres and employees of the province's emergency management system to replace the safety index and happiness index of the people.

On September 10, Xu Qin, the secretary of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee, went to the General Duty Room of the Provincial Party Committee to check the situation of the province's duty, visit the people on duty, and dispatch safety production. Xu Qin emphasized that it is necessary to do a good job of production safety, traffic safety, fire safety and other tasks, strengthen monitoring, early warning, hidden dangers, and emergency response, and resolutely maintain social safety and stability. Xu Qin proposed that the intelligent command and dispatch system of vertical, horizontal to edges, and comprehensive coverage, and an integrated information network of information collection, instant reporting, and comprehensive research and judgment to ensure the normal operation of various tasks.

On September 10, Liu Guiping, executive deputy mayor of Tianjin, led experts in the field of fire and hazardous chemicals to deeply penetrate the company's enterprises in Xiqing Development Zone in the "Four Two Nobels". Liu Guiping emphasized that all enterprises should carry the main responsibilities, strengthen safety management, and implement safety management measures to each workshop, class, processes and positions. Emergency management and fire departments at all levels must firmly establish the concept of "hidden dangers are accidents and accidents to deal with".

Source: China Emergency Management News

Reporter: Gao Wenjing, Hu Po, Xu Baode, Xue Lei

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