Hunan suddenly drops hail!

Author:Hunan Daily Time:2022.09.12

Just last night

The hail under the Zhangjiajie

September will be hail

Is this the rhythm to cool down?

According to Hunan Meteorological Observatory,

11th to 13th

Most of Hunan is mainly cloudy and sunny weather

Multi -officer rainfall in the western Hunan bureau

Specific forecast:

20:00 on the 11th to 20:00 on the 12th

Cloudy and sunny days

Among them, northern Xiangxi and northern Zhangjiajie

There are showers in the local area of ​​Changde

North Wind 2 ~ 3

The highest temperature is 34 ~ 36 ℃

Minimum temperature 21 ~ 23 ℃

20:00 on the 12th to 20:00 on the 13th

Cloudy and sunny days

Among them, northern Xiangxi and northern Zhangjiajie

There are showers in the local area of ​​Changde

North Wind 2 ~ 3

The maximum temperature is 34 ~ 36 ℃; the minimum temperature is 22 ~ 24 ℃

20:00 on the 13th to 20:00 on the 14th

Cloudy and sunny days

North Wind Level 3

The highest temperature is 33 ~ 35 ℃

Minimum temperature 22 ~ 24 ℃

Meteorological experts remind that in the near future, please pay attention to water reservation and water and scientific water. At the same time, the western Hunan region seized a favorable opportunity and carried out artificial rainfall operations under the condition of ensuring safety. In addition, the forest fire risk meteorological grade in the north of Hunan and Xiangzhong and Xiangzhong need to strengthen fire source control and do a good job of forest fire and fire.

According to the forecast of Changsha Meteorological Observatory

11th to 12th

Sunny day, 25 ~ 36 ℃

Always until the 18th

It will be cloudy or sunny weather

The maximum temperature is around 35 ° C

Editor's reminder

Although the temperature is relatively high

But the temperature difference between day and night is large

Little friends pay attention to increase or decrease clothes in time

Beware of a cold

Source | Comprehensive Self -Political Law Channel, Xiaoxiang Morning News

Edit | Zhang Yongqiong

School Division | Zhao Zeqin Xiahong

Review | Liu Ying

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