844,600 travelers traveling in the city park on the Mid -Autumn Festival holiday

Author:Beijing Park Management Center Time:2022.09.12

During the Mid -Autumn Festival, a total of 844,600 tourists received tourists in Beijing. The daily instantaneous passenger flow and the total number of tourists were strictly controlled below the 75%current. Epidemic prevention measures such as scanning and checking 72 -hour nucleic acid negative proof have provided guarantee for citizens and tourists to safely and rest assured.

During this holiday, the Municipal Park Management Center launched 35 theme activities: "Traditional Mid -Autumn Festival, Popular Popular Mid -Autumn Festival, and Creative Mid -Autumn Festival". , Participating in non -heritage interactive experience and traditional handmade activities, can also enjoy the moon, talk about Mid -Autumn Festival, and remember traditions online. Various forms of activities add different fun to the Mid -Autumn Festival.

In addition, more than a thousand parks of civilized behavior guidance and social volunteers every day carry out order guidance, civilized park propaganda and uncivilized behavior discouragement work, and advocate the general public tourists to civilized parks, love the environment, do not gather together, science, science, science, science Wear a mask and get a positive response from tourists. During this holiday, the Mid -Autumn Festival tourism activities of the municipal park and the China Garden Museum attracted tourists from all walks of life online and downs. The festival environment, comfort and overall order were good.

The "Yihe Qiu Yun osmanthus Cultural Exhibition" was officially launched in the Summer Palace on the day of the Mid -Autumn Festival. On the day of the Mid -Autumn Festival, Beihai Park held a lantern guessing event at Yongan Temple in Qionghua Island, and the scene was filled with a festive festive atmosphere. Beijing Zoo made special moon cakes for animal friends, not only vegetarian stuffing, meat filling moon cakes, but also water -lingering fruit moon cakes and "moon cake gift boxes".

Jingshan Park "Beijing Past -Crossing Time to Watch Beijing" invites citizens to experience the unique charm of old Beijing culture. The large area of ​​flower sea landscape in the north garden of the National Botanical Garden has attracted many tourists to stop and watch.

Tao Ranting Park has many activities in the Mid -Autumn Festival, Mid -Autumn Festival Jade Bunny Lantern, DIY Rabbit Grand Gift Box and other Mid -Autumn Festival cultural and creative products are popular with tourists. At the same time, the park prepares moon cake fillings and taught children to make Mid -Autumn Festival moon cakes. Yuyuan Tan Park invited tourists to learn about Mid -Autumn Festival culture through games such as "Wu Gang Folding Gui Gui", "Chang'e Running Moon", and "Yutu Champoline".

In addition, the city -owned park online activities are colorful, and more than tens of millions of netizens have participated during the festival. Tiantan Park uses 5G live broadcast technology to organize the "Meeting the Most Beautiful Clouds of Tiantan" on the Mid -Autumn Festival night. More than 5 million netizens watch the unique Mid -Autumn Festival scenery on the prayer of the Prayer of the Temple, while listening to the story of the Temple of Heaven. "August 15th Mid -Autumn Festival, everyone competes for the moon and the moon", the China Garden Museum launched a series of cultural activities of the "Landscape Clear Sound", including opera, folk music performances, cultural science popularization lectures, heavy exhibitions and non -heritage interactive experience activities, 323 323 Thousands of netizens online experience. Xiangshan Park, Zhongshan Park, and Zizhuyuan Park use the self -media platforms to organize cloud appreciation and popular science, combining the characteristics of the park and traditional culture to provide tourists a different Mid -Autumn Festival.

Reminder: After the Mid -Autumn Festival holiday is over, the golden autumn season of the park is coming, and various autumn flower colors are presented one after another. Citizens and tourists are requested to make an appointment for misunderstanding during the autumn scenes, implement various epidemic prevention measures, do not collect or gather, and enjoy the autumn of safe and civilized parks.

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