The "Music Summer" awards ceremony will be broadcast tonight "Rongcheng Yixia -National Art Freshly Month" ending

Author:Love to see headlines Time:2022.09.12

Red Star News Network (Reporter but Tang Wen) reported on September 12 that "Tonghua Wanli Dan Mountain Road, Chuifeng Qing Qing on Lao Feng Sheng". On the evening of September 12th, "Chengdu -Chongqing Di · Bashu Love" - ​​"Chengyu De Mei" cultural tourism exchange linkage and 2022 "Chengdu Cultural Four Seasons Wind · Music Summer" Children's Talent Contest Awards Ceremony as "Rongcheng Art Xia- The end of the end of the National Art of Art "will be officially broadcast to the public. At that time, the citizens can feel the different style of children in this live broadcast.

Share more than a thousand cultural activities of "cultural meals" to benefit the citizens

From July to August this year, the Chengdu Culture, Radio, Film and Television Tourism Bureau and Chengdu Cultural Museum launched a series of activities of "Rongcheng Art Satark -National Art of the National Art" in Chengdu. "Rongcheng Art Xia -National Art Popularity Month" activity is divided into "approaching the wonderful life of art" for the popularity of national art, "cultural benefits to the people's appreciation" for the popularity of national art, "Ruyong Rongcheng Art One Summer" street art show in summer.季活动等5大板块,开展了1000余场丰富多彩的文化惠民活动,旨在让爱阅读、听讲座、习书画、学文艺、跳舞蹈、赏音乐、看演出、观比赛、参培训、 Frequent fitness and shopping venues have become the pursuit of social fashion and spiritual pursuit, so that the citizens can enjoy a more fulfilling, richer, and more quality spiritual and cultural life.

Especially under the dual influence of the heat and epidemic, more than 1,000 literary and artistic activities have become the coolness of the citizens in summer, a bright color in the haze of the epidemic, showing the beauty of art in a colorful form, singing the world in the world Great love, condensing the power of "war", singing a new era.

Inherit the couplet to help exchange children's British talents

As an important part of "Rongcheng Art Xia -the popularity of the National Art of Nationalities", "Chengdu -Chongqing Di · Bashu Love" - ​​"Chengdu -Chongqing Demep" cultural tourism exchange linkage and 2022 "Chengdu Culture Four Seasons Wind · Music Summer" children's talent The competition is broadcast from the sea election, the city -level finals, and the five -city finals to the online exhibition. With good platforms and huge influence enlightenment, the next generation of aesthetics will be guided to promote the popularization of national art in the form of "inheritance+linkage" Appreciation, etc., strive to become a new brand of literary and art, and use children's talents to illuminate the road of regional exchanges and linkage.

The children's talent contest lasted two months, and participated in the form of "online+offline". Offline, more than 15,000 children's players from "Chengyu De Mei" participated in the sea selection in their respective regions. The number of contestants in the competitions is the highest level, and the level of participation is the highest level of previous. On the line, a total of 30952 people participated in the online call, and a total of nearly 1.07 million votes were voted in 5 days. In the end, the contest selected "Top Ten Players", "Ten Excellent Players", "New Art Moring Award", "Excellent Gardener Award", "Internet Popularity Award", and the "first prize", "second prize prize" of group project competitions "Third prize", a total of 284.

On September 12, "Chengdu -Chongqing Di · Bashu Love" - ​​"Chengyu De Mei" cultural tourism exchange linkage and 2022 "Chengdu Cultural Four Seasons Wind · Music Summer" Children's Talent Contest Awards Ceremony is officially broadcasting to the public Watch the media such as Jinguan's video number, cover news app, cultural Tianfu APP, Chengdu Cultural Museum video number and other media, experience the beauty of art, and feel the youth style.

Art is the torch of the national spirit and the horn of the times. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is about to be held. We presented the party with the achievements of the popularity of national art, accelerated the recovery of the cultural tourism market economy with high -quality urban public cultural services, continued to enhance the soft power of Chengdu culture, and practiced new development for comprehensive construction and practice. Park city demonstration area contributes cultural power.

(Photo Conferring in Chengdu Cultural Museum)

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