Cangzhou: Golden Autumn Recruitment Monthly launched, online and offline assistance companies and various groups solve recruitment jobs difficulty

Author:Hebei Radio and Television Sta Time:2022.09.13

Recently, Cangzhou City launched the 2022 Golden Autumn Recruitment Month. As of September 30, it will help enterprises to solve the problem of stability of recruitment workers and promote the matching and docking of human resources supply and demand.

The service targets of this event are: focusing on private enterprises, small and medium -sized enterprises, manufacturing and other fields, and at the same time facing various types of enterprises, institutions, social organizations, individual industrial and commercial households; Focusing on the transfer of employees of migrant workers, retired soldiers, employees of key industries, and flexible employees, etc., they are also facing various job search groups.

During the month of Jinqiu Recruitment, the online activities will be held normalized, the golden autumn recruitment month online specialty will be opened, and the key enterprises and other key enterprises such as manufacturing are set up to achieve online recruitment. We have carried out online activities such as live broadcasts, remote recruitment, and online recruitment, and simultaneously guide enterprises to do a good job of job demand characteristics and corporate culture and environmental publicity to improve the accuracy and matching effectiveness of supply and demand docking. Use big data technology to scree the suitable policies and job information in time. Through SMS, WeChat, APP and other methods, the "point -to -point" is "point -to -point" to the registered unemployed, unable to employment graduates, and retired soldiers.

Precise matching and docking, custom -held on -site recruitment. Promote the on -site recruitment into the community, focus on the needs of unemployed personnel, establish a normal "recruitment station", establish a "zero -industrial market", and organize customized recruitment activities at a high frequency. Promote the on -site recruitment into the countryside, focusing on rural transfer labor, especially returning to the hometown migrant workers' job hunting, and providing employment positions through the opening of "employment canopy" and rural recruitment. Promote the on -site recruitment into the park. According to the needs of enterprises in various types of parks, we will widely carry out industry and enterprise special recruitment, and build a supply and demand platform for enterprises and job seekers.

Focus on the focus of assistance and provide career guidance targeted. Carry out the "Guidance on -door" operation, conduct targeted psychological guidance, career planning and other career guidance for long -term registration of unemployed and unemployed youth, and put forward targeted solutions and suggestions. Organize professional forces such as vocational instructors, carry out personalized career guidance for employment assistance objects, formulate the "one -to -one" assistance plan, and implement differentiated assistance measures. Strengthen employment guidance, focus on visiting long -term lack of labor enterprises, guide them to understand the situation of labor supply and demand, scientifically conduct recruitment, employment in accordance with laws and regulations, strengthen the humanistic care, life concern, and development of employees, guide their rational recruitment, scientific employment, maintain enterprises, maintain enterprises Legal rights and interests with workers.

Improve intelligent services and facilitate the implementation of policies. Through the official website release, official micro -push, centralized preaching, and distribution of paper, we will actively push policies to enterprises, individual industrial and commercial households, etc., and inform the acceptance conditions, subsidy content, and process channels. We will conduct in -depth corporate absorption of employment and social security subsidy policy "direct and fast -to -fast offices", use Hebei people and social integration information systems to actively screen determination of eligible enterprises and workers, promote policies to find people, do nothing, and make up fast -moving offices. , Improve the convenience of policy implementation. Strengthen business cooperation with entrepreneurial training institutions, financial institutions, and entrepreneurial carriers, promote policy consultation, publicity, and accepting windows forward, and provide policy support for entrepreneurial enterprises and entrepreneurs with entrepreneurial needs.

Implement real -time fast recruitment and conveniently carry out zero -work service. Timely understanding the collection of zero -workers' positions in various types of enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households, incorporate the scope of public employment information services, and relied on public employment service institutions and zero -industrial markets at all levels. Make full use of the site resources of the public employment service agency, the opening time of the service hall in advance, and provide free venues for zero workers with employees and professional intermediaries. Organize flexible employment personnel to carry out docking negotiations with the employment of the employment entity (working, job), and provide fast services such as information release, on -site docking, instant confirmation, and job on the same day.

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