Game accompaniment B: Promote 100,000 flexible employment from 0 to 1

Author:Everyone is a product manager Time:2022.09.13

Game accompanying the game industry — the most serious misunderstanding that has suffered. After the establishment of the industry standards, the play market also played its own world outside the game track. Not only does it provide opportunities for employment, but it can also promote the development of the e -sports industry. The author of this article analyzes this to share with you.

When the game accompanies the game to enter the public vision again, the new potential is being stimulated.

Under the wave of compliance in the gaming industry, the rectification of more than 8 months of the play industry ushered in recovery. Many of the popular accompanying software re -launched around June. This marks the restart of the game to play the track, and the new potential of the game industry is also being stimulated.

There are also many emerging occupations who restart the accompanying industry. The new occupation name of e -sports instructor and game serviceman came into view and got an official endorsement. A signal is that on the basis of providing better game experience for users and the industry, technical service support, the industry must actively promote the establishment of standards, systematically cultivate relevant talents, and send a large number of high -quality high -quality policies for the "flexible employment" policy. E -sports practitioners.

Re -examine the current game to accompany the industry, and "misunderstandings" run through the development of the industry. From illegal transactions, highly controversial to today's standardized industry standards, the accompanying industry has eliminated people's misunderstandings with practical actions. At the same time, it has also extended a broader business value and social value.

When Volkswagen took off colored glasses, the play industry is also fulfilling a new mission.

01 Misunderstanding of the game accompaniment

Game accompanying the game industry — the most serious misunderstanding that has suffered.

The supply and demand relationship that is not understood has become the cause of the accompanying industry. Judging from the business logic of the industry, the accompanying industry is supplemented by the entire game. Some groups of combat attributes need to be used as a supplement to improve the gaming experience. In addition, the unbalanced gender ratio of some game communities has led to the discordant atmosphere of the game, and the addition of the game accompanied by the game has improved such a situation.

For users, the accompanying play is closer to a value consumption. Many gamers also have negative emotions such as loneliness and inferiority when they get the happiness brought by the game. The joining of accompanying is the gospel of such players, which promotes the good atmosphere of the entire game community.

To optimize the user's game experience and promote employment as the original intention industry, it should have played a "auxiliary" status on the game track, and promotes the progress of the entire game industry with technical and service support.

Vocabulary such as men and women, trading, and games is frequently mentioned, and the accompanying industry has become a "focus."

When playing becomes the target of the criticism, "chaos is clustered" and "gray industry chain" is often used as keywords for crusade accompaniment. In the perspective of the opponent, accompaniment is an improper game service. This service will destroy the atmosphere of the entire game community and at the same time increase the social attributes of the game. Power and fun are no longer the core criteria for judging players, and the game will also "taste".

In essence, this dispute is aimed at the gray industry caused by value consumption. With the essence of the transaction that accompanies services, there is indeed an illegal transaction risk from the platform. When more and more eyes are aimed at the accompanying industry, the risks have been enlarged infinitely, covering their own business logic.

Volkswagen's prejudice against the game industry also allows the load of the accompanying industry. In the past, the game industry has become a opposite of students' learning. For many parents, they love to play games and even go astray to paint. This has also made the playback industry have to suffer some negative comments.

In fact, in the test of the industry's head, the so -called gray content was not found. E -sports guidance and sparring occupied the mainstream of the platform.

Mr. Wu, an e -sports instructor on a head platform, said that accompanying is not only a hoe in his life, but also an indispensable part of his career: "I am a foreign trade, and after I return to my hometown, I start to find some part -time positions. In the most The difficult time was to give me a chance to feed myself. "It is reported that Mr. Wu uses part -time part -time to make money every day after unemployment. The daily work time is about 3 to 5 hours. No waiting, enough to pay for small cities.

With the advancement of social thoughts, more and more people recognize that games can also become an industry, and e -sports can also become a compliance movement. However, the acceptance of the society for the e -sports industry is still in its infancy, and the accompanying playback in the game industry is still in the severe public opinion area.

"For me, the accompanying players are closer to video members to subscribe to such services." A veteran player in the game industry describes the play industry in his eyes. "Many games are not stand -alone games, and they really need team cooperation. At this time, I often find almost sections of accompaniment. When I play alone, I will also play with it. Playing is an important part of my game life. "

After taking off the public's non -ferrous glasses, the game accompaniment industry needs to be named.

The gaming industry embarked on an orthodox road and is the positive signal of the entire track. After 2018, China's e -sports has developed rapidly. The industry output value increased from 83.44 billion yuan to 140.181 billion yuan, and the highest number of users reached 489 million. In 2020, e -sports was also officially recognized and was officially included in the Hangzhou Asian Games competition in 2022, becoming an internationally recognized sports event.

As an important part of the e -sports, after 8 months of compliance rectification, it also actively participated in the establishment and improvement of the standard standards of the game industry.

The "misunderstanding" of the public's "misunderstanding" of the play industry has not become a development resistance. On the contrary, it has become a powerful driving force for the compliant development of the play industry. In the long -term sense of industry upgrade, compliance has a positive impact on the play industry and even the game industry. The industry standards constructed after compliance also allows the accompanying industry to provide users with higher quality and more standard services.

02 Policy driven by compliance "New Dongfeng"

Driven by compliance, the industry has established a solid industry foundation with the play industry.

The recognition of the positions such as game serviceists and e -sports instructors fully illustrates that accompanying has become one of the recognized new types of positions. In May of this year, the "China Communications Industry Association E -sports Branch 'Game Service" Occupational Skills Group Standard Final Audit Meeting "was held in Changsha, and the game service artists were given four aspects: professional overview, basic requirements, work requirements, and weight tables. Specifications.

In June, the "Standards for Management of E -sports Instructor" and "E -sports Instructor Service Energy Evaluation Guidelines" led by and drafted by the Shanghai E -sports Association and drafted and drafted and drafted. The requirements of the dimensions of dimensions. Under the official endorsement, game serviceists and e -sports instructors have become one of the orthodox occupations.

"With such a large market, you can create too many employment opportunities." A e -sports industry practitioner commented on this rectification. "So he is willing to invest in resources to rectify the accompanying industry, because the commercial value and the commercial value and Social significance is inestimable. "

The huge business value and prospects of the game cannot be ignored.

According to the prediction of Iri Consultation, before rectification, the market size of the game accompanying the game in 2021 exceeded 14 billion yuan, and it will continue to grow. This stems from the relatively flat structure of the game accompaniment industry, and the business model is also fixed. Judging from the performance of domestic game users, the paid emotions for games are relatively positive.

Mr. Dong, who has been playing for three years in the game for three years, said that the game he played ranged from 60-100 yuan at the hourly fee. According to public data, the price of the game is 98 yuan, which means that for some paid players, the game accompaniment can create the value beyond the game itself.

According to the data of the Huajing Industrial Research Institute, in 2021, the domestic accompanying industry users consume more than 50%of the monthly consumption industry in the industry, and the per capita consumption has reached 453.6 yuan/month.

Commercial value has also become an important driving force for advancing in the play industry. As one of the participants of the platform economy, the game accompaniment industry has practiced the mission to promote the platform economy with its huge business scale, and actively empower the digital economy.

Commercial value has also stimulated the social value of the accompanying industry, and it is truly taken to society and the society.

Creating a new profession means giving job seekers more choices. After the China Communications Industry Association E -sports Branch released the "Standards for China Electronic Traffic Topstarians", 40,000 people have passed the national e -sports accompanying trainer's professional qualification certification assessment. In the future, as e -sports enter the school, game accompaniment will become one of the formal occupations, and the game industry has created more positions for society.

The accompanying industry driven by compliance also came to a new corner of the industry upgrade.

03 New corners, new turning points, new power

The influence of the accompanying track on the game industry is expanding.

The market size of the game accompanied the market size of more than 10 billion yuan, which is the fourth track in the e -sports industry except games, live broadcasts, and events. The compliance market after compliance still inherits the potential of the past, and promotes the growth of the game track with strong vitality.

In the context of e -sports, the government is also actively deploying, and domestic e -sports faces the opportunity to rise in the industry. As an important part of the ecological chain of the e -sports industry, the accompanying play industry also feeds back the game industry with its own healthy growth, allowing Chinese e -sports to appear on a larger international stage.

On the other hand, after the establishment of the industry standards, the accompanying market also played its own world outside the game track. In particular, in addition to formulating training standards and employment guidance for professional practitioners, it has also created more part -time possibilities. Under the guidance of the "Flexible Employment" policy, more talented people who are talented in e -sports can get paid by playing this profession and soothe employment problems.

my country's flexible employment scale has exceeded 200 million, becoming one of the important forms of employment. Relevant reports pointed out that the post -90s and post -00s flexible employees accounted for relatively high, and contemporary young people became the main force of flexible employment.

Due to the relatively low threshold of the industry and flexible working hours, more young people choose to play games with this profession. It is reported that there are more than 100,000 practitioners participating in the game accompanying industry. "It is a relatively stable income." Ms. Li, who accompanied the industry for three months, depicts the meaning of playing this profession to her. "I like to play games very much, and the game is good. At the same time, it is a lucky thing for me to get compensation. It has become part of my profession. "

The flexible employment space provided by the game is still growing. Tencent E -sports released the "Global E -sports and Game Live Market Report in 2022", which predicts that in the next three years, the scale of the e -sports industry will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 13.4%. Vice President of Tencent Games said that it is expected that the talent gap in the e -sports industry will reach 2 million in the next three to four years. This growth has also driven the expansion of the number of practitioners in the industry.

More and more young people are involved in the construction of the accompanying industry, and they can also promote social consumption circulation through such employment opportunities.In the future, the compliance industry will usher in a period of high -speed growth, while bringing more business vitality to the industry, it will further realize its social value.Author: An Yu, Editor: Hu Zhanjia, Operation: Chen Jiahui

Source public account: zero -state LT (ID: lingtai_lt)

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