Zhushan County Federation of Trade Unions builds a safe "protection net" and guards employees "money bags"

Author:Hubei Window Time:2022.09.13

On the afternoon of September 9, the Zhushan County Federation of Trade Unions and the county women's federation cadres and workers jointly formed a network security publicity volunteer service team to go to Tongjigou Industrial Park to carry out the "network security to the people, network security depends on the people" theme network security promotion activities.

The volunteer service team has penetrated into a number of companies such as urban bus, Taiyu Electronics, Jialin Clothing, etc., explaining network security and personal information to the majority of employees by hanging banners, distributing promotional pages, watching promotional videos, and questioning on the spot. Relevant laws and regulations and knowledge such as protection, telecommunications network fraud, popularize common online fraud, and guide employees to download and install the "National Anti -Fraud Center APP". At the same time, it is called on the majority of employees to go online, do not create rumors, rumors, and rumors, and consciously develop good Internet habits to jointly create clear and pure network space.

This event has distributed more than 800 "Network Security Knowledge Publicity Manual", more than 200 "Combining Civilization Action Proposal" of "Construction of Network Civilization", and guided the installation of more than 40 "anti -fraud APPs", and received more than 30 employees' consultation The awareness and ability of employees' cybersecurity prevention have effectively avoided the loss of property in the park as the loss of property, and they have been unanimously praised by the entrepreneurs of the park and the majority of employees in the park.

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