The inspection of the whole nucleic acid test of Changning City is conducted in an orderly manner to carry out active participation of citizens in an orderly manner

Author:Changning Media Center Time:2022.09.13

In order to accurately implement the normalized epidemic prevention and control measures, prevent the risk of input risks of the epidemic, and effectively protect the lives of the people's lives and health, from September 13th to October 31st, the city's urban area will carry out a round of free nucleic acid testing per 7 days per day Essence

"Come on here, scan the code to register." On the morning of September 13th, the reporter saw the free nucleic acid sampling point of the free nucleic acid sampling point in the Wanlong Community, Quanfeng Street, Shiquanfeng Street. Citizens line up, wear masks, keep one -meter line, and orderly scanning site code, information registration, and nucleic acid sampling.

"Our community will do its best to make on -site arrangements and guarantees, and widely publicize and mobilize, guide the people on the scene to maintain one meter distance, do not cut in line or not, and sampling in an orderly manner. Please actively go to the community to participate in nucleic acid testing." Quanfeng Street Dongyi Community Peng Dongsheng, Secretary of the Party Branch, said.

Citizen Hu Guodong said: "Free nucleic acid testing now has helped the epidemic prevention and control, but also facilitates our people. Thanks to the party thanks to the government."

At the sampling point such as the Municipal Government Square, Beimen Lake Square, and Nankenhu Opera Plaza, citizens who came to nucleic acid samples strictly implemented the prevalence requirements of the epidemic, and they were lined up in an orderly manner. All nucleic acid sampling points in the urban area of ​​the city are uniformly set up signs and implementing wire isolation and diversion. Staff and medical staff are silently adhered to each other, meticulously do various sampling services, patiently persuaded the public to abide by the rules, do not gather, do not communicate, and do not communicate. Make every effort to ensure the safe, efficient and orderly implementation of nucleic acid sampling work.

Yuan Huiling, a nurse of the Third People's Hospital of Changning City, told reporters: "More than 40 medical personnel in our hospital will persist from 7:30 am to 12 pm every day, from 2:30 pm to 5 pm to make every sampling link to ensure that the public Nucleic acid sampling is safe and orderly. "

"Doing a good acidic acid test is good for our family, good for society, good for the country, we must support, and actively cooperate." Said Lei Yiying, a citizen.

In order to accurately implement the normalized epidemic prevention and control measures, prevent the risk of input risks of the epidemic, according to the provincial, Hengyang, and Changning City outbreak prevention and control work arrangements, from September 13th to October 31st, the urban area of ​​Changning City will be carried out every 7 days per day for each 7 days. Wheel free nucleic acid detection. The testing time is from Tuesday to Thursday, from 7:30 am to 12 am, 2:30 pm to 5 pm. Residents within the urban area should consciously complete a nucleic acid test every 7 days. Please go to the peak of the general public, and participate in the sampling nearby.

Reporter: Chen Yao Liu Shipeng

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