On September 12, Gansu 2+22

Author:Gansu daily Time:2022.09.13

National Health and Health Commission: 188 cases of new local confirmed cases on September 12

At 0-24 pm on September 12, 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 242 newly confirmed cases. Among them, 54 cases were entered overseas (14 cases in Shanghai, 12 cases in Guangdong, 11 cases in Fujian, 8 cases in Tianjin, 3 cases in Sichuan, 2 cases in Beijing, 2 cases of Liaoning, 1 case of Henan, 1 case of Yunnan), including 6 cases of asymptomatic. The infected person turned to the confirmed case (3 cases in Guangdong, 2 cases in Sichuan, and 1 case of Henan); 188 local cases (126 cases in Sichuan, 11 cases in Tibet, 10 cases in Beijing, 8 cases in Inner Mongolia, 7 cases in Shandong, 7 cases in Guangdong, Liaoning Three cases, 3 cases in Yunnan, 3 cases in Xinjiang, 2 cases of Jiangxi, 2 cases in Guangxi, 2 cases of Gansu, 1 case in Jiangsu, 1 case in Fujian, 1 case in Hunan, and 1 case of Chongqing), including 39 cases from asymptomatic infections to Confirmation cases (29 cases in Sichuan, 3 cases of Xinjiang, 2 cases in Tibet, 1 case in Beijing, 1 case of 1 case in Inner Mongolia, 1 case in Jiangsu, 1 case in Hunan, and 1 case in Yunnan). There are no new death cases. No new suspected cases.

476 cases of newly cured hospitals on the day, of which 56 cases were entered overseas, 420 local cases (205 cases in Hainan, 67 cases in Tibet, 59 cases in Sichuan, 39 cases in Guangdong, 16 cases in Heilongjiang, 9 cases in Inner Mongolia, 5 cases in Henan, Chongqing, Chongqing, Chongqing, Chongqing, Chongqing, and Chongqing, and Chongqing, and Chongqing. Four cases, 4 cases in Shaanxi, 3 cases of Tianjin, 2 cases of Liaoning, 2 cases in Hubei, 2 cases of Qinghai, 1 case in Shanghai, 1 case in Shandong, and 1 case of Xinjiang). Add 4 cases a day.

There were 566 existing confirmed cases overseas (non -severe cases), and there were no suspected cases. A total of 23,128 confirmed cases, and a total of 22,562 cases of hospitalization were cured, and there were no death cases.

As of 24:00 on September 12, according to the reports of 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, 5,417 cases of confirmed cases (including 29 cases of severe cases), 236,677 cases of accumulatively cured cases, and 5226 cases of accumulated death cases. A total of 24,7320 cases were reported to the accumulated case, and there were no suspected cases. A total of 5730,716 people were tracked to the close contact, and 24,5649 were still close to the medical observation.

31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 806 cases of asymptomatic infection, of which 79 cases were entered overseas, 727 cases were input (199 cases in Tibet, 145 in Guizhou, 84 cases in Sichuan, 51 cases in Jiangxi, Guangxi Guangxi, Guangxi 39 cases, 34 cases in Shandong, 32 cases in Hubei, 23 cases of Xinjiang, 22 cases in Liaoning, 22 cases in Gansu, 21 cases in Heilongjiang, 19 cases in Inner Mongolia, 13 cases in Shaanxi, 6 cases in Beijing, 4 cases in Guangdong, 3 cases in Hebei, 3 cases in Yunnan 3 cases , 2 cases of Tianjin, 2 cases in Hainan, 2 cases of Qinghai, 1 case of Fujian).

There were 1393 cases of non -symptoms observed that day, of which 84 cases were entered overseas, 1309 cases of 336 cases, 327 cases in Tibet, 150 cases in Qinghai, 94 in Heilongjiang, 72 cases in Liaoning, 59 cases in Shandong, 37 cases in Sichuan, Sichuan, 37 cases, Sichuan. 36 cases in Gansu, 36 cases in Xinjiang, 26 cases in Shaanxi, 22 cases in Guangxi, 21 cases in Hebei, 17 cases in Tianjin, 16 cases in Hubei, 15 cases in Guangdong, 14 cases in Henan, 13 cases in Jiangxi, 7 cases in Chongqing, 5 cases in Inner Mongolia, Anhui 2 For example, 2 cases of Guizhou, 1 case of Shanxi, 1 case of the Corps); 45 cases of confirmed cases on the day (6 cases input overseas); 21,990 cases of non -symptoms observed in medical observation (692 cases were entered overseas).

A total of 6109,463 cases were notified in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Among them, 400,982 cases of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (78,913 cases were discharged from the hospital, 9810 deaths), 793 cases of 793 Special Administrative Regions (787 cases were discharged from hospital, 6 died), and 570,7688 were in Taiwan (13,742 cases were discharged from the hospital, and 10312 deaths were killed).

Source: Official Website of the National Health Commission

Editor in charge: Yu Shuai

Supervisor: Mu so strong

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