Strengthen publicity and creation of atmosphere to focus on the main business of Lindu people education and benefit people project news ventilation meeting

Author:Putian released Time:2022.09.14

On September 13, Chen Huizhou, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda Department, presided over the news ventilated meeting of the three "top ten projects" of the 2022 people's livelihood.

Chen Huizhou pointed out that education is a matter of laying the foundation and long distance. Right now, Putian City has stabilized the people's livelihood and other people's livelihood work, and made every effort to build a new era of "literature and famous states" education highland. Departments at all levels should effectively strengthen their sense of political responsibility and historical mission, vigorously inherit the genetic and popularity of Chongwen and re -education for Putian for thousands of years, continue to increase publicity, further deepen the reform of the education system, and promote the high -quality development of Putian City's education. Essence

Chen Huizhou emphasized that it is necessary to improve the guarantee of mechanisms, give full play to the role of the Municipal Education Bureau to lead the coordination, implement the responsibility of the county and district (management committee), establish and improve the system for reporting, selection and commendation, and connecting the contact system, organize centralized interview activities, all aspects of all aspects Show the rich atmosphere of Putian City's education and consequences. It is necessary to highlight the affection, stand firmly to publicize the main position, carefully select topic planning, deeply tap the typical materials, deepen the use of new media platforms, build a cubes of communication pattern, and tell the story of Putian educational stories. It is necessary to focus on the main business of educational people, continue to do a good job in the construction of the principal, strengthen the training of teachers, implement the campus hardware guarantee, promote the teaching of teaching aids, and strive to run temperature, quality, and distinctive education.

At the meeting, the relevant municipal departments reported on the relevant situation of the three "top ten projects" of the "Top Ten Projects" of Minsheng in 2022. The heads of the provincial -level news units, municipal news units and relevant departments were exchanged and spoke on exchanges around the publicity work. Essence

(Source: Meizhou Daily Reporter: Zhu Jianting Editor: Zhou Chen)

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