Full video | "Comprehensive Promoting High -quality Development Perspective" Xinzhou: Energy structure reversal and empowering green development

Author:Shanxi Satellite TV official Time:2022.09.14

播 Source: Shanxi Radio and Television Station

On the 21st, 2 cases of local diagnosis were added to Shanxi! There are 12 cases of isolation treatment in the hospital

Taiyuan Yangqu report 1 positive infection (rails)! The latest management and control policies for the return (deduction) of key areas in the province →

How to appeal for an abnormal health code? What should I do if I receive a text message from the immune -related personnel?

Director/ Wang Yunfei

Supervision/ Qin Yubin

Master/ Yang Yafei

Lord/ Zhao Zhao

Editor/Wang Xiaoya

- END -

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