Fushan District Emergency Bureau builds an epidemic prevention line

Author:Yantai Fushan Emergency Admini Time:2022.09.15

In response to the characteristics of many foreign migrant workers and large personnel of mining enterprises, the Fushan District Emergency Bureau urged mining enterprises to focus on personnel control, strictly implement the prevention and control measures of the epidemic, and ensure that "responsibility implementation, supervision and inspection in place, early warning measures, emergency emergencies Ready to place.

Strictly control personnel to move across regions. Strict control of employees must not go to high -risk areas, discourage the people in the middle and high -risk areas to enter the mining, and other regions outsourcing construction units or new mining personnel enter the mining area, strictly follow the requirements of local epidemic prevention and control requirements Observation and other measures. If the mining employees or their relatives are in the middle and high -risk areas, the home isolation monitoring will be completed in accordance with regulations, and there are no problems with nucleic acid testing before they can go to work.

For those who enter the mining area, strictly implement information registration, health code inspection, body temperature measurement, disinfection, etc.; centralized management of outsourcing construction personnel conditions to reduce the entry and exit of personnel; Personnel flow. Employees take commute vehicles to get off work, try not to take public transportation, and strengthen epidemic prevention and disinfection of commute vehicles.

Strictly control the gathering of mining enterprises. Except for emergencies or special requirements, they will be postponed, eliminating conferences, training, examinations and other agglomeration activities or adopting online and video organizations. Supervise and guide employees to wear masks scientifically, wash their hands and ventilate frequently; dine when wrong, sit at the same table, and keep more than 1 meter -time spacing; regularly pair restaurants, employee dormitories, office buildings, well mouth shower rooms and other personnel. Disinfection of dense places.

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