Pick up the year 丨 | Minister of Ecology and Environment: In the past ten years, my country's carbon emissions intensity has dropped by 34.4%

Author:Cover news Time:2022.09.15

A few days ago, the Central Propaganda Department launched the "China Ten Years of Ten Years · Series Theme Release". The column of the cover news "Picking the Year" will pay attention to the whole process, reporting to China's achievements and changes in the past decade.

Cover Journalist Dai Rui

On September 15, the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held the "China Ten Years" series of press conferences in the 32nd. Huang Runqiu, Minister of Ecological and Environment, said at the press conference that in the past ten years, my country's carbon emissions intensity has fallen by 34.4%, reversing carbon dioxide, reversing carbon dioxide The rapid growth of emissions has become increasingly increasingly becoming a bright background of high -quality development of economic and social.

Huang Runqiu introduced that in the past ten years, my country has steadily promoted the adjustment of the energy structure. Coal consumption accounted for one -time energy consumption from 68.5%to 56%last year. Non -fossil energy consumption accounted for 6.9 percentage points, reaching 16.6%. Renewable energy power generation installations have increased by 2.1 times, breaking through 1 billion kilowatts, and the installed capacity of wind, light, water, and biomass power generation is ranked first in the world.

Huang Runqiu, Minister of Ecology and Environment. Picture source: Guoxin Office

my country has continuously optimized and upgraded the industrial structure, vigorously developed the green and low -carbon industry, continued to strictly control the blind expansion of high energy -consuming and high -emission projects, eliminated backward production capacity in accordance with laws and regulations, and accelerated the resolution of surplus capacity. In the past ten years, my country has supported an average annual economic growth of 6.5%with an average annual energy consumption growth rate. The standard coal of tons is discharged by 2.94 billion tons of carbon dioxide. The strategic emerging industry has developed rapidly, and the sales of new energy vehicles reached 3.52 million in 2021, which is also the first in the world.

In terms of continuous improvement of carbon exchange capacity and adapting to climate change, in the past ten years, my country's forest area has increased by 7.1%to 227 million hectares, becoming the main force of the world's "greening"; forest carbon exchange increased by 7.3%to 839 million per year The amount of carbon dioxide in tons is equivalent to offset my country's carbon emissions for one year. my country has released the national strategy to adapt to climate change, continues to carry out pilot construction of adaptive cities, and has continued to increase its ability to resist climate risk at key areas such as agriculture and infrastructure.

Huang Runqiu introduced that on July 16 last year, the national carbon emission right trading market officially launched the launch transaction. The first performance cycle was included in 2162 key emission units in the power generation industry. As soon as it was launched, it became the world's largest carbon market covering the greenhouse gas emissions. As of yesterday, the cumulative trading volume of carbon emission quotas was 195 million tons, with a cumulative turnover of 8.559 billion yuan. Through the effects of effectively exerting the incentive and restraint of market mechanisms, controlling greenhouse gas emissions and promoting green and low -carbon development.

"Realizing carbon peaks and carbon neutrality is efforts to solve the prominent problems of resource and environment constraints, and the inevitable choice of the sustainable development of the Chinese nation." Huang Runqiu said that my country's attitude to achieve carbon peaks, carbon neutrality and goals is firm. This is also the solemn commitment to build a community of human destiny. China must do it and act. my country will fully implement the policy system of carbon peaks, carbon neutralization, and "1+N", and actively participate in and lead the global climatic governance. Build a beautiful China and make new and greater contributions to the global climate change.

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