Chuangcheng Volunteer Red 丨 Shibei District Youth Volunteer Association was officially established

Author:Popular Net Qingdao Time:2022.09.15

On the morning of September 15th, the establishment of the establishment of the Youth Volunteer Association of the Shibei District of Qingdao City was successfully held in the report hall of the core area of ​​Hongjing New District. Zhao Xinmin, deputy minister of the Propaganda Department of the Shibei District Party Committee, Liu Sha, deputy secretary of the Communist Youth League, Liu Sha, the Municipal Youth League Association, the relevant personnel of the District Administrative Examination and Approval Service Bureau, and the members of the Shibei District Youth Volunteer Association participated in the establishment ceremony Essence

The conference heard the preparatory work report of the District Youth Volunteer Association, reviewed and approved the "Articles of Association of the Youth Volunteer Association of Qingdao Shibei District (draft)", "Election Measures for the Youth Volunteer Association of the Shibei District of Qingdao City". The first chairman, chairman, vice president, and secretary -general of the first council of the Youth Volunteer Association of Shibei District, Comrade Wang Yannao was elected as the first president.

At the meeting, Zhao Xinmin, deputy minister of the Propaganda Department of the Shibei District Party Committee, congratulated the establishment of the Shibei District Young Volunteer Association in his speech. It plays a positive role and builds the most energy, most dynamic, and most assured youth commando.

In his statement, the newly elected president, Wang Yannao, said that under the strong leadership of the Youth League Committee, the association will based on the post and play its specialty, and actively participate in the work of civilized model cities, urban renewal and urban construction, and grass -roots governance. Build a modern international urban area with prosperity and happiness to contribute youth.

Comrade Liu Sha, deputy secretary of the North District Committee of the Communist Youth League, put forward some opinions on the work of the youth volunteer service. I hope that the association will brighten the background color, integrate into social governance, and strengthen it into the party. Responsibility; we must do characteristics, promote the spirit of volunteer, and continue to become a brand.

At the first general meeting of the Shibei District Youth Volunteer Association, the Qingdao Bus Hongye Hong Youth Volunteer Service Team, Qingdao Shi North District Xinghuo Yiyi Volunteer Service Center, Qingdao Chaoyin Middle School One Mi Sunshine Volunteer Service Team The four representatives of the Younuo Volunteer Service Team conducted a roadshow of volunteer service results, and exchanged volunteer service experience in the aspects of volunteer service projects, normalized participation in grass -roots volunteer services, and volunteer service work in primary and secondary schools.

At the end of the conference, the Youth League Committee organized a list of "Qingzhi Association and the Street" activity list. 30 member units insisted that the principle was close to one or more streets. The service center Ding Jing made a statement. In the later period, it will rely on the resource of the streets, communities and other positions to carry out volunteer service activities to further help the youth volunteer service work in Shibei District.

In recent years, the young volunteers in our district have been demonstrated well, full of momentum, and great contributions. The majority of young people from all walks of life have actively participated in volunteer service causes, contributing to social undertakings such as civilized cities, prevention and control of epidemic, rescue and disaster relief, precision poverty alleviation, education and medical care, and other social undertakings. The youth power. The establishment of the Youth Volunteer Association of Shibei District marks another new level of volunteer service career in our district. Relying on the district Qingshi Association will have more youth social organizations, outstanding young volunteers, and people who care about supporting volunteer services. Condense, the "circle of friends" that forms a new era of civilized practice in the new era, and make the "circle of friends" that make youth volunteer service work continuously expanded. There are more and more "peers", effectively surround the center and serve the overall situation, and contribute to the comprehensive construction of a modern international urban area that builds prosperity and happiness. Youth!

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