Reuters said that Ukrafe had reached an agreement with Russian officials to abandon NATO.

Author:Global Times Time:2022.09.15

According to today's Russian TV (RT) website reported on the 14th, the Kremlin refuted a Reuters report on Wednesday. The report claims that Russian officials have previously reached an agreement with the Ukraine administration that allowed Ukraine to give up to join NATO.

Reuters reported that before Russia launched special military operations on Ukraine at the end of February this year, Dmitry Kozak, deputy director of the Russian Presidential Office, reached a temporary agreement with Kyiv. The agreement will be Let Ukraine no longer seek to join NATO. Cazak suggested that Russian President Putin accepted the agreement but was rejected. Reuters quoted sources as saying that Putin made it clear that in this agreement involved in Corzak, the concession made by Kyiv was not enough, and the end result was that the agreement was abandoned.

Peskov Tu Source: Visual China

During the above -mentioned reports from Reuters, President President President Pesov said that the report was "completely unrelated to reality." He emphasized that "there has never been such a thing, which is definitely incorrect information."

At the same time, Mikhailo Podolyak, a adviser to Ukrainian President Zelelki, did not answer Reuters' questions about the essential content of this negotiation, nor did it confirm that Ukraine had reached a preliminary agreement with Russian officials. Essence Podoliak said: "Today, we clearly realize that Russia has never been interested in peace."

According to CCTV News, on September 8th local time, the UN Security Council held a meeting to review the issue of Ukrainian weapons. At the meeting, Russia's permanent representative of the United Nations accused the United States of Britain who did not want the Ukraine's conflict to end, and believed that Western countries sending weapons to Ukraine violated multiple international treaties and international humanitarian laws. Ukraine's resident representative Kislitzia said that Ukraine has the right to self -defense. Many countries such as Brazil, Kenya, and UAE have called for the tracking of weapons flowing into Ukraine, and urging all parties to end the conflict as soon as possible and resolve the crisis through negotiations.

(Edit: ZLQ)

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