Social work service agencies at all levels in Qinghai Province actively participate in summer safety precautions for minors

Author:Qinghai detoxification Time:2022.09.15

In response to the characteristics of safety accidents and high incidence of summer minors, social work service agencies at all levels in the province conscientiously implement the requirements of the "Notice on Doing a Good Sudden Safety Protection of Summer", and to carry out safety propaganda, education, guidance, guidance, guidance, guidance, guidance, guidance Family performing supervision responsibilities and active participation in flood prevention and disaster relief, which further enhances the awareness of safety prevention and self -rescue and mutual rescue of minors ...

In response to the characteristics of safety accidents and high incidence of summer minors, social work service agencies at all levels in the province conscientiously implement the requirements of the "Notice on Doing a Good Sudden Safety Protection of Summer", and to carry out safety propaganda, education, guidance, guidance, guidance, guidance, guidance, guidance Family performing supervision responsibilities and active participation in flood prevention and relief, etc., further enhanced the awareness of safety prevention and self -rescue and mutual rescue of minors.

Vigorously carry out security knowledge and education. During the summer vacation, social work service agencies at all levels in our province gave full play to their professional advantages, penetrated into a more concentrated place for minors such as townships (streets), village (agencies), and vigorously carried out safety knowledge and education. The original rescue center of the provincial Xinxin was based on more than 40 rural left -behind children in Menyuan County, Menyuan County, and started to carry out self -protection knowledge of self -protection knowledge from daily safety issues such as traffic safety identification, drowning, and fire prevention. The Provincial Children's Welfare Association carried out two stages of safety classrooms in Haibei Prefecture around the theme of "the hazards and prevention of earthquakes and prevention" to help minors understand the characteristics of the earthquake. Coping ability during earthquakes. The Provincial Huicheng Social Work Evaluation Service Center organized minors to learn anti -drowning knowledge in Xiayi Village, Xunzhong District, Xining City. Through real cases, the danger of launching privately was explained to help master the prevention method of preventing self -rescue of drowning.

Actively guide the family to perform the responsibility of guardianship. Family is the first line of defense to ensure the safety of minors. Parents or other guardians must provide a safe family living environment for minors. Three social organizations in Guoluo Prefecture carried out the policy preaching activities of "rescue policies into thousands of households and welcoming the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China" within the state. The existing guardians signed the "Confirmation of the Survey of Survey" to further strengthen the responsibilities of family monitoring. Hainan Sunshine Volunteer Association went deep into the Gaigai Township of Republican County to teach 232 minors and their guardians to teach summer safety anti -drowning prevention knowledge. , Knowing "." The provincial social work service center in the city of Xining City in the city of Xining cherished the theme of "cherishing life and beware of drowning" to guide parents to remind their children to go to the river and reservoir without permission, and teach the ways to deal with danger.

Take the initiative to participate in flood control assistance assistance. After the "August 18" mountain flood disaster in Datong County, the Provincial Children's Welfare Association linked resources as soon as possible to receive strong support from One Fund, and urgently donated rice, noodles, oil, vegetables, drinking water, etc. to the affected people at the temporary placement point. Life materials. At the same time, assisting government departments to investigate the needs of minors to resettle the resettlement point, and provide 400 warm packages to the minors of Qingshan Township School Primary School, which effectively solves the needs of temporary resettlement points. The Provincial Social Work Association and China Rural Development Foundation Warm Homestead in the provincial Yueyue Charity Association of Youth Partners Institutions, the Provincial Social Work Development Center, the Provincial Xinqiao Social Work Service Center, and the Provincial Paper Charity Foundation The county donated 2,000 quilts and 3,000 emergency boxes of the county, which effectively resolved the actual situation of the affected people such as Shayu Village, Qingshan Village, Hejiazhuang Village, Longxian Village, Qingshan Township, Qingshan Township, Qingshan Township. difficulty.

In the next step, the provincial non -guarantee will give full play to the leading role in the protection of minors, further implement the "Protection Law of the People's Republic of China", and increase the guidance and support of social forces to participate in the protection of minors. , Guide social forces to give full play to their own advantages, and continue to promote the protection work pattern of "party committee leadership, government responsibility, civil affairs leadership, departmental coordination, and social participation".

Source: Qinghai Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, Qinghai Pu Law

Edit: Qinghai Detoxification Government Fusion Media

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