Increase the help of the people in difficulties, and it is expected that the localities will issue a temporary subsidy of about 20 billion yuan to the people in difficulties ... Today

Author:Xinzhou Justice Time:2022.09.16

Policy Q & A

Recently, the State Council held an executive meeting to study and increase the work related to the basic living security of the people in difficulties. On the afternoon of August 26, the State Council's Journalism Office held a routine blower of the State Council's policy to introduce the relevant situation of the people in need. In terms of increasing the assistance and assistance of the people in difficulties, what are the specific policy support? Come and follow!


Q: What measures have been taken recently in increasing the assistance and assistance of the people in difficulties?

A: The first is to guide people in various places to issue disposable living subsidies for difficult people such as subsistence allowances and special poverty.

The second is to increase the temporary rescue efforts of the trapped people, and guide people such as difficult people such as eligible insurance and unemployed people in various places.

The third is to comprehensively implement the rescue policies such as the minimum guarantee and special poverty support, and the eligible poverty alleviation and unstable population, the poverty -stricken population, and serious difficulties are included in the scope of the minimum guarantee and special poverty -stricken support scope in time to ensure that they should be guaranteed and rescued. Rescue.

The fourth is to accelerate the construction of a dynamic monitoring information platform for low -income population in the country, guide localities to simplify and optimize rescue procedures, and improve the timeliness of social assistance.

Recently, the executive meeting of the State Council deployed measures to increase the basic living security of the people in difficulties, requiring the comprehensive implementation of the subsistence allowance to expand the policy of expansion, and distribute disposable living subsidies into the hands of the people in the difficulties as soon as possible. The policy of temporary rescue funds is in place. At the same time, it is decided from September this year to March next year. Phase adjustment price subsidy linkage mechanism is implemented to implement the policy of "expanding the scope of guarantee, reducing the launch conditions" policies, and increasing the price subsidy of the people in difficult people. Hold the bottom line of people's livelihood.


Q: Phase adjustment price subsidy linkage mechanism

What are the policy content?

A: The first is the scope of phased expansion. The current price supplementary mechanism is revised and improved in 2021, covering 7 types of groups. These 7 types of groups are urban and rural minimum guarantee objects, special difficulties, receiving unemployment insurance premiums, and enjoying national pension subsidies, orphans, facts, facts, and facts No one raised children and AIDS viruses infected with children with a total of about 58 million people. Recently, the executive meeting of the State Council decided from September this year to March next year. Based on the above -mentioned 7 types of groups, two types of groups such as unemployment subsidies and subsistence allowances, including the number of new types of groups, etc. After expanding the scope of protection, it is expected to benefit about 9 million people, covering about 67 million people in difficulties.

The second is to reduce the startup conditions in stages. The month -on -year increase in CPI in the start -up conditions of the current price subsidy linkage mechanism decreased from 3.5%to 3.0%, while maintaining other start -up conditions such as price subsidies when the price of food prices in CPI reached 6%year -on -year, meeting any one of the one, to meet any one Conditions are the linked mechanism for price subsidy. Where the start -up conditions have been appropriately reduced, the starting conditions can be further reduced in combination with the actual situation.


Q: Phase adjustment price subsidy linkage mechanism,

How much subsidy funds do we need to increase the price subsidy for difficult people? How to guarantee the funds for adding?

A: The price subsidy linkage mechanism is started based on the increase in price increases in various places. The subsidy standards are also linked to the increase in local prices. The amount of subsidy funds needs to be calculated in accordance with the increase in price increases in various places.

Combined with the forecast of domestic price increases for some time in the future, the subsidy funds that need to be issued after adjusting the price subsidy linkage mechanism and the amount of increases need to be issued. Temporary subsidies are about 20 billion yuan, of which about 7 billion yuan is increased due to expanding the scope of protection and reducing start -up conditions.

In the channel for increased funds, in addition to the additional funds for receiving unemployment insurance funds and unemployment subsidies, the subsidy funds issued by other difficult people will be added from the unemployment insurance fund. Among them, 30%of the eastern region, 60%subsidy in the central region, and 80%of the western region. The temporary subsidy of the price is first distributed by the local area, and the central government is settled after the financial.


Q: What methods are there to ensure that the population of the standard is incorporated into the subsistence allowance in time?

A: The first is to increase the implementation of the subsistence allowance policy. In order to implement the requirements of the State Council's executive meeting on the expansion of the low -efficiency of the low -efficiency, the Ministry of Civil Affairs has made some institutional innovation in improving the subsistence allowance system. For example, the serious and disabled persons in the minimum -fidding edge families are included in the subsistence allowances alone, and the serious and disabled persons of the minimum -fidding edge families are separated into the minimum living. There are capacity; encourage localities to put the permissions of the subsistence allowance review from the past counties to the streets and towns, thereby accelerating the time limit for the confirmation of the subsistence allowance; when calculating the income of the family, some rigid expenditure and the necessary employment costs should be appropriately deducted in accordance with regulations. For these subsistence allowance families with per capita income after employment, the per capita income of the local subsistence allowances will not withdraw immediately, giving him a gradual return period for half a year to one year, so that the low -guarantee covers more difficult people, and strive to achieve "should Bare, should be wandering. "

The second is to strengthen the foundation of the minimum -fiddial edge families. The implementation of the "single -guarantee" policy of the subsistence allowance needs to be determined to identify the minimum -fidding edge families. Families on the edge of subsistence allowances generally refer to the per capita income of family members who do not meet the minimum insurance conditions. Essence Now the civil affairs system at all levels has identified more than 5.7 million minimum guarantees, and this work is still further strengthened. Q5

Q: In response to the situation where the people may continue to increase, how can the next step strengthen the basic living security of the people in difficult people?

A: Focus on strengthening the basic living security of the people in need from dynamic monitoring and comprehensive assistance.

The so -called dynamic monitoring is to further improve the national low -income population dynamic monitoring information platform and incorporate more low -income difficulties into the scope of monitoring. At present, the national low -income population monitoring information platform established by the civil affairs department has included information about 62 million low -income population, including minimum guarantee objects, special difficulties, people with expenditure difficulties, people who are prone to poor and poor, and the marginal population. More difficult people must be included in the scope of monitoring. At the same time, the functional application of the platform is expanded, such as strengthening data comparisons from relevant departments such as education, social, medical insurance, housing construction, health, emergency, rural revitalization, chief union, disabled federation and other relevant departments. Set up early warning indicators to establish corresponding monitoring and early warning mechanisms.

The so -called comprehensive assistance, in conjunction with the relevant departments, further clarify the rescue and assistance policies of different difficulties, establish a circle of rescue, and give targeted assistance and assistance in a timely manner. If you are sick, there are medical assistance, education assistance in school difficulties, housing difficulties have housing assistance, forming a layered classification and comprehensive rescue pattern, so as to coordinate rescue resources through the social assistance system, consolidate the assistance of rescue, and provide more powerful and more powerful people in the difficulties. Sustainable pocket guarantee.

Source: China Government Network

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