Wear an off -space suit!The hard core knowledge point of the space service outside the cabin is here

Author:Shijiazhuang Daily client Time:2022.09.16

Not long ago, the Shenzhou 14th astronauts took the first out of the cabin. During the out of the cabin, some netizens noticed a detail: Liu Yang's overseas space suit also read the names of Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu. It turned out that the three astronauts wore the same suit! Seeing this scene, netizens said: The names on the space uniforms on the cabin recorded inheritance, which is really warm and burning! In addition to inheritance, there are these hard core knowledge points in addition to inheritance ...

The names of Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu on the cabin of Liu Yang are wearing the off cabin.


How long is the service life of off -computers in the cabin

How long is the service life of the new generation of space clothes? This is a question that many netizens care about. When it comes to service life, the service life of the new generation of space clothes is 15 times, and the working time can be supported for 8 hours.

Shenzhou 14th astronaut Chen Dong's outlet picture


How to meet the needs of different astronauts

Due to the limited space station space, the development cost and transportation cost are extremely expensive, so the space uniforms outside the cabin do not need to achieve one person and one set, and the body is tailored. At the same time, there will be many astronauts in the space station mission to perform the outlet mission, including female astronauts, which are different from each other. So, how to use three sets of outsourced clothes to meet the needs of all astronauts?

According to the structure of the flying space cabin, the principle of "one -to -many" appropriateness is adopted, that is, wearing a set of clothing multi -person, the passive and active fitness is combined to take into account the requirements of personality and commonality. The upper torso is the hard -leser structure. The fixed structure of a single parameter is adopted. According to the target's physical parameters of the crowd, the maximum range of the wrap; the lower torso and the upper limbs are actively designed. Local size adjustment; gloves also adopt passive and active pattern coupling design. According to the parameter parameters of the astronauts, the astronauts can be selected according to their own hand parameters, and the palms can be adjusted at the same time to obtain better ones Operating.


Whether it will balance the number of times

At present, there are three sets of space uniforms with red (A), blue (B), and yellow (C) in the China Space Station. Based on the principle of extending the life of the rail, every time the outlet task is performed, try to balance the frequency of the three -cabin space suit as possible.

Before the first out of the cabin of Shenzhou 14th astronauts, the red cabin has been used 4 times, blue 2 times, and 2 times in the red cabin. The space uniforms outside the cabin to complete the task of outlet activities, so the number of tasks of the outlet can basically be consistent.


In the future, the development direction of off -cabin space clothes

In the future of off -space clothes, my country's design ideas are modular, lightweight, and multi -purpose design. For example, on the basis of achieving complex environmental integration protection, the modular exchanges of functional modularity, and the compatibility of external interfaces, the maximum weight of the space suit of the cabin is reduced, and its flexibility and mobility are improved to fully adapt to the different adaptation Under the detection task, the applicable needs of various human -machine supporting modes.


Whether the liquid cold clothing is shared

The liquid cold clothing also belongs to part of the space suit. The astronauts will generate heat during the off -cabin, and the overseas clothes need to be isolated from the external vacuum environment. It is a closed space. In order to cool the astronauts, it is necessary to put on a cold clothing. The whole body of the liquid cold clothing is finely small holes. More than 40 liquid cold pipelines evenly pass through these small holes, and then flow through the liquid in the clothing pipeline to achieve the effect of circulating cooling. A set of liquid cold clothes, a total of about 100 meters of pipelines can be laid on the whole body. So, is the liquid cold service shared by astronauts? It is reported that the liquid cold clothing is also a common product for astronauts, with overall division design. Aerospace officers choose to wear themselves on the outside of the cabin underwear.


How to arrange in the orbit

After the storage period or use of the space service outside the cabin reaches the design value, the performance evaluation must be performed to see if it can be extended. The current plan is replaced in two batches.


Whether the astronaut signature is brought back

As a "warm and burning" inheritance in a netizen comment, will the astronaut signature on the space service on the cabin be brought back after the task is over? It is reported that after the signature shielding suit, after the task, the astronaut will be removed and brought back by the return weight.

Source: CCTV News Client

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