The name of the village name 丨 The name of this village is related to a spring eye

Author:Zhengding release Time:2022.09.18

Explore the millennium history of the ancient city

Record the local customs of the hometown


I will tell you for everyone

The story of Xiquan City Village ~

The origin of the village name

Xiquan City Village is located in the northern part of Zhengding County. It is said that this village was moved from Hongdong County, Shanxi. At that time, there were very few residents, only thirty households. The reason for choosing to settle here is because it is located on a spring eye on the south bank of the River. At that time, there was no water in the magnetic river. Only this spring eyes were still flowing. The villagers felt that the terrain was good and lived here. Later, they named it "Quancheng", and because it was named Xiquan City in the west of Quanyan, and later it was renamed "Xiquan City".

Important military land

The Xiquan City Village was an important military place during the War of Resistance Against Japan and the war of liberation. Talking about the revolutionary stories of the war years, the elderly in Xiquan City Village will talk about it.

According to a memories of an old man in the village, at that time, the Eighth Route Army in the village forgot to die and fight with the enemy. At that time, the enemy thought of taking water in the village, and our Eighth Route Army was standing there to ambush, so that they could not get the water and buried their lives. Later, the enemy did not dare to come during the day, so we touched the dark. At night, we came to the village to pick up the water. Our Eighth Route Army buried the dead mines on the dead. At night, the enemy stole the water and took the water. , Can't run.

The period of war smoke and gunfire rains no longer exist, but the moving stories of this period will be widely circulated, and a strong stroke in the historical scroll. Today, the people of Xiquan City are full of pride and spirit, and paint a better blueprint with hard -working hands.

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