Meizhou Island: Three measures solidly promote the improvement of the party's construction and promote the improvement of grassroots governance capabilities

Author:Putian released Time:2022.09.18

Charging energy increase ability

Hold a special training course for the party building to promote grass -roots governance capabilities, and organize the party's grass -roots party organization secretary "training for military", through knowledge testing, special lectures, experience exchanges and other forms to learn to promote and improve their ability; With the in -depth first -line theoretical preaching, more than 2,900 people were trained to allow the "theoretical oxygen" to be transported to the grassroots "capillaries" in a timely manner.

Weaving network fixed optimization

Carry out the "agency+rural" pair and co -construction work, combined with "a picture of a picture in the island, digitalization of the whole region", and do a good job of "a system, a sink to the end, a network integration, unified scheduling, and one -in -one law enforcement". 11 village party branches are re -divided into 285 grid areas and 1,512 small cells. Relying on Zhihui Meizhou platform to create a party building big data service platform, so as to complement each other's integration of grids and comprehensive governance grids, open up, open up Serve the "last mile".

Normal long -term strong position

Use the "Party Construction+" neighboring center, "comprehensive governance+" governance center, normalize people's livelihood practices such as free consultations and law -popular activities, and radiate the surrounding villages to improve the effectiveness and service efficiency of governance; build a "public security professional patrol+grid joint service The joint defense+social group prevention and group control "system transforms the political advantages and organizational advantages of grass -roots party organizations into Ping An Meizhou's governance efficiency.

(Source: Putian Municipal People's Government website, Meizhou Island Party Working Committee Reform Office Picture: Meizhou Published Editor: Wu Wei)

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