"Happy Stone Pier Club" to resolve residents' troubles

Author:Huangshi Daily Time:2022.09.18

Recently, the Wuyi Garden Community in Hangzhou West Road Community is very lively. In just half a month, the community convened residents to hold nearly ten meetings at the stone pier table in the community. The community has good experience.

It is reported that the Hangzhou West Road Community was established in April 2021. There are 8 residential communities in the jurisdiction. Only Wuyi Garden is an old community with nearly 20 years of age. There are many foreign populations and tenants, and the population living density is large. Since the horn of the establishment of a national civilized city, Hangzhou West Road Community has continuously promoted the process of civilization creation, doing practical things for residents, and made great progress in cleaning homeland, beautifying the environment and establishing a good community atmosphere.

However, over time, the houses leaking in old communities, damage to the exterior wall, insufficient parking spaces blocking fire channels, difficulty in equipment aging and maintenance, and difficulty in property costs, which cause headaches for residents of property and community. To this end, Hangzhou West Road Community invited city water companies and street leaders to go to the community many times to open a "expert clinic" for the managers and residents representatives of Wuyi Garden Community, and "diagnose the pulse" for the realistic problems encountered by everyone.

Because of the large number of discussions, the residents joked, "People are the Office of the Council, we are the table of negotiations, regardless of the morning and evening, discuss it here. This is a" round table "for the people, which is very meaningful!"

With the support and understanding of the residents, the construction team grabbed time and scratching progress. At the same time, in order to minimize the impact of the construction of the pipeline network on the daily life of the residents, the city's tap water company adopted the continuous water construction method to ensure the normal water use of residents during construction.

It is understood that Wuyi Garden Community is the first community to upgrade since the establishment of Hangzhou West Road community. In the next stage, the community infrastructure upgrade and reconstruction project will also be carried out. It is planned to achieve water operation before the end of the year. At that time, the problem of low water pressure in the community will be effectively alleviated. (Correspondent Li Ling reporter Wang Tao)

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