Focus on the front -line tilt of the enterprise and the grassroots, and implement the "Wuhan Talent" training branch this year

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.09.18

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan Client September 18 (Reporter Li Jia Correspondent Wu Talent) Recently, the CPC Wuhan Municipal Party Committee Talent Work Leading Group issued the "Wuhan British Talent" plan to cultivate a special implementation plan "(hereinafter referred to as the" Plan "), and and of. It will be implemented this year.

The "Wuhan British Talent" plan began in 2011, which aims to vigorously introduce and focus on high -level talents such as strategic technology, industrial leadership and excellent youth to achieve remarkable results. The newly launched "Wuhan British Talent" plan cultivation support project (hereinafter referred to as the "training special") is a key support plan for outstanding local talents. Cultivate the policy system and improve the "Wuhan British Talent" planning talent team building system to provide important support.

According to reports, based on the self -cultivation of talents, the "training branch special" focuses on increasing the support for outstanding talents in various fields such as advanced manufacturing, scientific and technological innovation, modern service industry, and education. Talent highlights innovation value, ability, and contribution orientation, and selects 1,000 "Wuhan British Talent" plans each year.

It is understood that the "Pecker Special" also focuses on the front line of enterprises and grassroots. For example, in the field of advanced manufacturing, it will focus on supporting "specialized new" small giant companies and high -tech enterprises; high -skilled talents fields, focus on selecting a number of front lines to engage in. The "skill craftsmen" of manufacturing and engineering technology; the field of medical and health and education, focusing on the cultivation of a group of famous doctors and teachers in clinical medical care, grass -roots health, and primary and secondary school teaching and research. At the same time, the selected talents are included in the scope of municipal talent services.

The person in charge of the Organization Department of the Wuhan Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Talent Work Bureau introduced that the training, introduction, and use of the use of organic combination to realize the linkage and integration of all aspects of the talent work, and create an environment for talents and talents. By 2025, the city's total talent resources will reach 4 million, and the talent attractiveness and carrying capacity will be significantly improved. The talent team will achieve incremental quality and quality, the talent structure continues to optimize, the talent quality, innovation ability, and competitive strength will reach the national first -class level. It has become a high -end gathering area that has come to the world, an important source of independent innovation, the core growth pole of the development of modern industrial clusters, and the leading innovation demonstration city of talent ecology.

[Edit: Deng La Xiu]

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