Talking about brands | Intelligent manufacturing and green low -carbon have become the two major development directions of the steel structure construction industry Time:2022.09.18

"Data-version =" 0 "data-vwidth =" 1280 "data-vHeight =" 720 "transcoding =" 1 "/> · Lightning News, September 18th. Recently, the "Brand Shandong" column group has come to participate in the development of the steel structure construction industry.

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Shaanxi yesterday added local 33+24

At 0-24 on August 19th, there were 33 new local diagnosis cases in Shaanxi Province and 24 cases of infected infected from the natives.(Source: CCTV News Client)【Edit: Zhang Jing】

Zhangzhou Water Resources Bureau issued a yellow warning of risk of mountain flood disasters

The Zhangzhou Water Resources Bureau issued the risk of mountain flood disasters on June 08, 2022 at 08:18: According to the forecast of the rainfall value, it is expected that the following areas may