I just bought the shelf life of more than one month?The Songjiang Consumer Protection Commission has shot

Author:Shanghai Songjiang Time:2022.09.19

Newly bought Xikan

The shelf life is only more than a month left

How should consumers defend their rights?

Let's take a look at the following cases

Complaint case

On June 21, 2022, Ms. Ni Ms. Ni had a happy event because she had a happy event and was scheduled to set up a full -month wine for children in early July. So he ordered 70 pieces of wedding cakes and candy in a certain chain. After the full moon wine was held, Ms. Ni found that the candy was produced on November 16, 2021. It shows that the expiration date is August 13, 2022, which means that the shelf life is only more than 1 month.

Pictures from the Internet

Subsequently, Ms. Ni immediately contacted the store clerk, indicating that the merchant never informed that it was close to the shelf life when ordering. Merchants think that during the warranty period, it does not affect consumption, and can only replace the remaining chocolate for the fresh date for Ms. Ni. Duoduo communication was unsuccessful, and Ms. Ni had no choice but to choose a complaint.

Survey and mediation

After accepting the complaint, the Songjiang District Consumer Protection Commission contacted the person in charge of the store for the first time. At the time of pricing, it was sold at a cost price (5 yuan/serving). The chocolate of the fresh date has just arrived in the store these two days. In addition, the remaining shelf life of more than a month when delivering to consumers is also in line with the state's relevant regulations on the date of insurance, that is, the shelf life is less than half a year, and the shelf life is 20 days. Consumers have been sent out that the candy can be recycled, so the store proposes to replace consumers to replace the surplus candy.

The staff of the Consumer Protection Commission pointed out to the merchant: Although the remaining shelf life of the food meets relevant regulations, the Xikan industry is different from the ordinary retail industry: on the one hand, consumers will not eat immediately after purchasing, but they will have to wait for a while to come in handy to come in handy On the other hand; on the other hand, the purchase volume is relatively large, and the packaging is re -packet, which causes the shelf life logo of food to be hidden inside the gift box, which is not convenient for consumers to identify. Therefore, merchants are encouraged to formulate the provisions of the presence of national standards; and whether or not they are or not, they clearly inform consumers' production date for candy.

Pictures from the Internet

In the end, after mediation by the mediators, the two parties finally reached an agreement: the merchant made appropriate economic compensation on the existing candy on the basis of the replacement of the fresh date chocolate.

Consumer Protection Commission comment

In response to the shelf life, Shanghai Large Merchants has jointly launched an initiative in 2020:

▪ The shelf life of food is more than one year, 45 days before the expiration.

▪ The shelf life is less than half a year, and 20 days before the expiration.

▪ The shelf life is less than half a year, and 15 days before the expiration.

▪ The shelf life is less than 90 days, and 10 days before the expiration.

▪ The shelf life is less than 30 days, and 5 days before the expiration.

▪ The shelf life is less than 15 days, and 2 days before the expiration.

Pictures from the Internet

When you hold a wedding banquet, you often have a busy mind. Therefore, when you buy the candy, you can look at the price, variety, quantity, packaging, etc. When you buy good sugar, few people will look at the small characters of the shelf life. Although theoretically, consumers can find a merchant for negotiation to refund the merchants, but at the actual operation level, once the candy is loaded into the sugar box and flows into the guests, it is basically irreversible, because the guests are rarely caused by the emotional face. It is pointed out that naturally, few consumers are looking for merchants to discuss.

In addition, it is impossible to exclude that there may be some bad merchants "abuse of charging" for consumers to show consumers with particularly new chocolates, but use the chocolate of Linta when packed. Although there are still some blank in the legal field, as an operator, they should "add" themselves and consider moral factors during the operation process to reassure consumers.

Data: Songjiang Consumer Protection Commission

Edit: Li Xiang

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