The "Mid -Autumn Festival" in Xinzhou Old Records

Author:Xinzhou Daily Time:2022.09.19

According to the Chinese lunar calendar in my country, August is the second month of autumn. The term "Mid -Autumn Festival" was first seen in "Zhou Li · Chun Palace". The book mentioned a "Mid -Autumn Festival Night Welcome to the Cold" sacrifice. The Mid -Autumn Festival and the Spring Festival, Qingming Festival, and Dragon Boat Festival are also known as the "four traditional festivals in China". They originated from the worship of the phenomena. They evolved from the autumn Festival festival in ancient times and popularized in the Han Dynasty. after. The Mid -Autumn Festival is a combination of autumn seasonal customs. Most of the festival factors contained in it have ancient origins, and it has been circulating to this day. As can be seen.

The Mid -Autumn Festival Festival began in the pre -Qin Dynasty. It was originally a royal etiquette, and later evolved into a sacrifice ceremony with the theme of "family reunion". As early as the Zhou Dynasty, the emperor would sacrifice the sun in the spring equinox, the summer solstice, the moon sacrifice the moon, and the winter solstice. During the Qin and Han dynasties, the month of sacrifice continued to be inherited in the royal etiquette. Qin Shihuang sacrificed the day to Chengshan, the sacrifice of the moon was in Laishan, and the Emperor Hanwu was "Xi Jiyue". The Yueyue altar built in Beijing during the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty was specifically for the emperor to sacrifice the moon god at night. This is the current Beijing Moon Temple Park. Over time, the moon etiquette that was originally pursued by the court and upper nobles gradually spread to the folk, becoming a popular folk activities. At the same time, the day of the moon sacrifice also moved from the autumn equinox to the full moon day of the autumn equinox -Mid -Autumn Festival.

On the Mid -Autumn Festival night, the whole family gathered in the incense sacrifice to the moon, facing the moon out of sacrifice, and put on the offering of moon cakes, wine, watermelon, etc. In Yongzheng's "Dingxiang County Chronicle", the supply of offering at that time, in addition to moon cakes and watermelons, there were some seasonal fruits and vegetables, such as grapes and edamame. Moon cakes, as an important offerings for worshiping the moon god, symbolize the reunion, so it is also called "moon group" and "reunion cakes". Some people also regard them as festivals and friends. After the ceremony of the month, the crowd set up a Mid -Autumn Festival banquet under the moon, while enjoying the offerings while enjoying the bright moon. In Qianlong's "The County Chronicle", "the moon supply is complete, and the benefits are divided", which gives special significance to the offerings. The moon cake is cut into a fan -shaped, and a few people in the family cut into a few people. Pregnant women need to cut one more, and those who have not returned must leave one. This is called "full moon people" in Xinzhou. The production of moon cakes is also very particular. Qianlong's "Wuzhai County Chronicle" contains "use wheat flour as cakes, and its firm is like a stone", and then includes walnut kernels, almonds, sesame kernels, melon seeds, hawthorn, lotus, red beans, jujube mud, etc. The stuffing made in the furnace is baked in the furnace. The surface of the moon cakes is golden and butter, flat and full, crispy skin, sweet filling, mellow entrance, which is reflective.

"Mid -Autumn Festival. The moon to the Mid -Autumn Festival is bright." The moon viewing is an important custom of the Mid -Autumn Festival. verse. During the Northern Song Dynasty, the Mid -Autumn Festival, centered on the moon appreciation activities, has become a universal folk festival. However, unlike the Tang Dynasty, the works of the moon in the Song Dynasty were mostly sad, and they lacked the human situation with yin and clear. The Mid -Autumn Festival Night in the Song Dynasty was a night of sleep. The night market was open for a night market, and tourists were endless. "Tokyo Menghua Record" contains: "Before the Mid -Autumn Festival, all stores sell new wines, noble decorations, and people fight for restaurants to play. The month, Sheng Ge heard thousands of miles away, and sat up to Xiao. "Some places even spread the saying that" the older the Mid -Autumn Festival night, the longer the longevity, ", so there was a custom of guarding the night. At night, the elders in the family usually tell the children about the moon, such as Chang'e to the moon, Wu Gangjiegui, etc., the children are all listening to it.

There are bright moon all year round. Why do you want to reward in the Mid -Autumn Festival? Ouyang Zhan gave an explanation from the weather in "Changan Playing the Moon Poems": "The moon is played, the winter is too cold, and the summer is steamed. It is all harmful to play. Autumn to the time, then the first summer of the winter; August in August, the beginning of the season at the beginning of the season; fifteen at night, and in the moon. "According to the note novel" Kaiyuan Tianbao Religion ", Tang Xuanzong and Yang Guifei have to appreciate the moon at Taiye Pond every year. Later, they also repaired the" platform for the platform "dedicated to the moon to enjoy the moon.

In history, poets who like to enjoy the moon in the Mid -Autumn Festival can be described as a lot. Xinzhou celebrities, Yuan Hao, and Sadu, etc., all have poetry, leaving a lot of famous Mid -Autumn Festival Yueyue, which was included in Guangxu's "Xinzhou Zhi". Tongzhi's "Hequ County Chronicle" selected a "Mid -Autumn Festival for the Mid -Autumn Festival" written by Liu Ze, a Ming Zhengde period: "The moon falls into darkness, the clouds are deep and the soul are hidden. Looking at the madness of the sky. Washing the sky and rain, the light of the country is clear. "On the night of the Mid -Autumn Festival, the moonlight was bright. : "Drink in the Mid -Autumn Festival."

In fact, in addition to sacrificing the moon and watching the moon, there are some Mid -Autumn Festival customs with local characteristics in ancient Xinzhou, such as feeding the female home, occupying, and ancestors.The feeding female family refers to the moon cake to the marriage daughter. Kangxi's "Baodezhou Chronicles" particularly emphasized: "Nearly and more feeds the female home."The Mid -Autumn Festival is sunny or sunny. It is expected that there will be snow without snow in the next Lantern Festival.In Daixian and Fanzhang, the ancestors will also be sacrificed in the Mid -Autumn Festival. In Guangxu's "Daizhou Zhi", the local people set up the ancestral gods at home for offering seasonal food such as moon cakes and fruits.(Yun Shu)

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