The main leaders of the Luojiang District Party Committee led the team to investigate the revitalization of the countryside

Author:Damimelu River Time:2022.09.19

On the afternoon of September 15th, Yan Liming, the secretary of the district party committee, led a team to the villa town to investigate the revitalization of the countryside and the construction of the "Party Construction+" neighborhood center. Chen Zhengzheng, deputy secretary of the district committee, Cai Chongda, member of the Standing Committee of the District Committee, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, and Director of the Supervisory Committee.

Yan Liming and his party came to Yangkeng Village, Vajia Town, and inspected the construction of the "Party Construction+" neighborhood center of Yangkeng Village on the spot, and listened to the reports of the construction of village -level activity positions, industrial development, and beautiful rural construction. Yan Liming affirmed the construction of the "Party Construction+" neighborhood center of Yangkeng Village, and pointed out that Yangkeng Village should focus on the goal of building a beautiful country demonstration village, coordinate the establishment of civilized villages, and the improvement of rural living environment to accelerate "e -commerce+". For the development of industries, take the road of revitalizing the development of characteristics.

Subsequently, Yan Liming and his party went to the Houfu Demonstration Zone Project of the Real Estate District of the Vana Town, the site of the construction land of the Xiliao construction of Pannet Village, and the Lianheng Cultural Tourism Villa. Coordinate and solve difficulties. Yan Liming pointed out that it is necessary to adhere to the first priority of development, dig deep into tourism resources, establish the development concept of "party building with tourism, tourism promotes revitalization", accelerate the realization of "party building+cultural tourism" to promote the integration, and promote the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside with the global tourism.

The town of vests is an important part of the "Beautiful Rural Ecological Zone" in the "Belt and Four Districts" space development strategy of our district. Yan Liming emphasized that it is necessary to promote rural revitalization. Strengthen the leadership of grass -roots party building, actively play the role of the village -level party branch fighting fortress and the pioneering model of party members, promote the interconnection and co -construction of grass -roots organizations such as party branches and cooperatives, drive the development of characteristic industries, consolidate the strong joint efforts of party building to drive rural revitalization, broaden the development of rural revitalization and development New path. We must focus on improving the level of grass -roots governance, the requirements for the establishment of the "National Civilized Village", focus on rectifying the rural living environment, accelerate the shortcomings of infrastructure and public services, and create a village with a valuable and connotative rural revitalization. It is necessary to accelerate the construction of the "Party Construction+" neighborhood center, build a "15 -minute convenience service circle", and normalize the practice activities of "I do practical things for the masses" to improve the sense of happiness and gain of the masses. To accelerate industrial development. The global tourism is integrated into township planning, village planning, and promoted the in -depth integration of tourism and culture, urban and rural construction, ecological protection and other fields to achieve mutual promotion of ecological protection and green development. It is necessary to promote the integration and development of the first, secondary and tertiary industries, actively expand the new space of rural industry development, and promote the overall quality of the collective economy in order to promote the overall quality of the collective economy and strengthen the function of rural hematopoietic. It is necessary to cooperate with the development of village -level e -commerce logistics, increase the introduction of the cultivation of e -commerce entities, and continuously enrich the industrial format. To strengthen project construction. Accelerate the construction of small towns, adhere to planning first, integrate production and city, double -wheel drive, scientifically deploy industrial projects, effectively revitalize idle resources, strengthen docking with market entities, and ensure that the project is scientific and reasonable, the construction specifications are standardized, and the benefits are fully exerted. We must focus on project tackling, linked chart operations, and ledger management. Under the premise of ensuring the safety and quality of the project, the progress of the project construction is accelerated, and the project is put into production early, early results, and consolidated development support.

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