Xinjiang carried out golden autumn recruitment month activities Time:2022.09.19

Tianshan News (Reporter Zhao Siya reported) On September 19, the reporter learned from the Human Resources and Social Security Department of the Autonomous Region: From now until October 15, our district will carry out "'in the Golden Autumn' Professional" Future "2022 Golden Autumn Recruitment Month.

On July 29, the autonomous region held a job fair for the service of graduates of university university universities. Pomegranate cloud/Xinjiang Daily reporter Li Lin

This event will help our companies and various groups to broaden recruitment and job search channels through online and offline, and promote the matching and docking of human resources supply and demand. The service target focuses on various types of enterprises (including state -owned enterprises, private enterprises, small and medium -sized enterprises, etc.). Focus on migrant workers, and at the same time facing various types of job seekers.

In the meantime, our district will focus on the four key contents of accurate investigation, organizing special recruitment activities, strengthening online career guidance, and implementing convenient and efficient services to provide services for employers and job seekers.

In addition, the autonomous region will hold a comprehensive on -site recruitment fair in a timely manner when the epidemic prevention and control conditions permit. In the recruitment, the localities must strengthen recruitment information management, strictly recruit information review, and ensure the authenticity and effectiveness of the post. Employment restrictions such as gender and full -time education.

The specific content of the golden autumn recruitment month in 2022 is as follows:

(1) Carry out a precise investigation. Human resources and social security, civil affairs, and retired military affairs departments in various places must make full use of the power agencies, social organizations and other parties of the system, rely on the real -name registration system of college graduates and employment registration for employment registration for graduates of university. Investigating questionnaires, telephone interviews, etc., master the latest employment information such as registering unemployed personnel, unable to employment graduates, retired soldiers, etc., and understand their employment status, job search will, training needs, etc. Human resources and social security, development and reform departments, and industrial and commercial federations must understand the employment needs of enterprises in the area, especially manufacturing and coal power enterprises, and dynamically update recruitment information accounts. Trade unions should find out the demands of employees in key industries and employees in difficult workers and family children in difficulties.

(2) Organize special recruitment activities. According to the overall arrangements of the special activities of public employment and entrepreneurship services in the autonomous region of the year, a variety of special public employment services can be organized in an orderly manner in the golden autumn recruitment month, and the online and offline recruitment activities will be coordinated. Combined with the actual situation of local epidemics, the "specialized small" on -site job fair is held in an orderly manner, focusing on the needs of different groups and different types of enterprises, and promoting on -site recruitment of communities, parks, and villages. Vigorously promote the "job in Xinjiang" live broadcast activities, guide enterprises to do a good job in the description of job demand characteristics and corporate culture and environmental publicity, and improve the accuracy and matching effectiveness of supply and demand docking. Regularly screen suitable policies and job information. Through SMS, WeChat, APP, visiting households, etc., the "point -to -point" is "point -to -point" to the registered unemployed, unable to employment graduates, and retired soldiers. During the event, the autonomous region will link China Public Recruitment Network in Xinjiang Talent Network, China, and set up the "2022 Golden Autumn Recruitment Monthly" network Xinjiang branch venue. All localities should rely on online columns to invite key enterprises to settle in and expand employment positions.

(3) Strengthen online professional guidance. The "Cloud Class" column was opened through the website area, and the "job in Xinjiang" platform was made full use of professional psychological counselors and vocational instructors to make online courses. For long -term registered unemployed and unemployed youth, carry out career guidance such as targeted psychological guidance and career planning, and guide graduates to participate in recruitment activities with a positive attitude. Organize professional forces such as vocational instructors to carry out personalized career guidance for employment aid objects, and implement differentiated assistance measures. For long -term lack of labor enterprises, through the follow -up guidance of human resources commissioners, scientifically recruit recruitment, and employment in accordance with laws and regulations.

(4) Implement convenient and efficient services. Through new media such as official websites and official micro, the support policies and measures to push local rescue difficulties and absorb employment to small and medium -sized enterprises. Strengthen the implementation of the "direct and fast -to -fast offices" operation of enterprises to absorb employment and social security subsidy policies, actively screen and determine the qualified enterprises and workers, promote policies to find people, do not feel intelligent office, direct fast -to -date office, and improve the convenience of policy implementation. For college graduates, continue to do a good job of policy consulting, occupational introduction, and vocational training services, and provide the actual name registration and registration of the graduates with convenient services. For urban unemployed personnel, do a good job in the identification of unemployment registration and difficult families in a timely manner, increase job reserves, and encourage unemployed personnel to participate in special activities for public employment services.

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