Latest reminder!Look at the speed of Shenzhen and Macau back to Pingtan!

Author:Pingtan, China Time:2022.06.21

June 20th

Pingtan Disease Control Center released the latest reminder

Take a look


Since June 15, the personnel who have lived in Luohu District and Futian District (return) Lan personnel must report to the community, units, and hotels in the community, units, and hotels as soon as possible to cooperate with the health management measures for nucleic acid testing within 24 hours after the implementation of Lan.

From now on, the personnel of Macau (returning) Lan need to hold a 24 -hour kernel test negative test. Since June 5th, the history of Macau (returning) Lan personnel has performed a nucleic acid test in 24 hours.

Citizens are requested to pay close attention to the epidemic dynamics. If it is not necessary, please do not go to the county (city, district, flag) of the new native new crown virus infection within the 14th to avoid unnecessary cross -border travel. It is not necessary to go to other counties (cities, districts, flags) in the cities where the high -risk areas are located. After traveling and traveling outside the province, it is recommended to actively perform a nucleic acid detection and conduct 14 days of self -health monitoring.

Everyone is the first responsible person of their own health! Please do a good job of self -health monitoring. If you have symptoms such as fever, cough, seek medical treatment in time.



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