How can the owner feel the "pension" of the house in the rain outside the rain room?

Author:Golden sheep net Time:2022.09.20

There is a leak and water in the wall of Mr. Zhang's house

Text/Figure Yangcheng Evening News all media reporter Ma Can

"We live here, and we are particularly afraid of raining." Recently, the citizen Mr. Zhang (pseudonym) reflects the column of the "Y-Reporter Gang" in the Yangcheng Evening News: He lives in the Panyu District Jinxiu Peninsula Community. The problem of leakage or water occurs. In this regard, the community property stated that after investigation, the real estate developed in the community has reached the maintenance period. At present, it is found that many complaints with Mr. Zhang and Mr. Zhang have found that the work procedures for special maintenance funds of the property are currently being launched.

Owner complaint: dripping water in the rain room outside the house

On September 14th, a reporter from the Yangcheng Evening News all -media reporters came to Room 2,705, Building 3, Fairview Peninsula, where Mr. Zhang lived. This floor belongs to the top floor, and the house is a duplex structure. Although it was not raining that day, many walls in the house showed obvious water immersion traces. The reporter noticed that some walls in the room were soaked and fell, and some walls were moldy and yellowed, and some walls were cracked and exposed to cement and sand.

"It's troubled in the rain, look at it in your eyes, and block it in your heart." Mr. Zhang said that he had done a repair, but it didn't help. He negotiated with the property many times, but it has not succeeded.

House seemingly endless rain. What made Mr. Zhang angry is that a shop on the first floor of the community he rented was also unable to carry out the decoration due to severe leakage of the exterior wall. Judging from the video he provided, water dripping in the rain room outside the house, and there were many barrels, small buckets or sidelines in the shops to pick up water.

"Whether it is a shop or a house, the maintenance of the outer wall leakage is the responsibility of developers or properties." Mr. Zhang said that he had complained to the property many times, but it was always there. For this reason, he refused to pay the property management fee of the property. To show protests, the two sides have not yet reached consensus.

Property response: Start special maintenance funds work procedures

Why does the house leakage? Why is it difficult to solve? In the face of the reporter's interview, the relevant person in charge of the property in the community said: "After investigation, the real estate developed by the community in the early days has reached the maintenance period of maintenance. Come to solve this problem. "

"Related work is being promoted." The person in charge of the above property also said that successful experience is worth learning from -July 2021, Mr. Chen, Mr. Zheng and other owners of the 14th East District of the Splendid Peninsula told the property: The public areas are refurbished to enhance the residential environment of the community. After learning about the demands of the owners, the property promoted the special maintenance funding policy and use method to Mr. Chen and others. Building maintenance funds.

Although there are various problems during the promotion process, the property and owners work together to mobilize, preparation, publicity, declaration, construction, acceptance and other links, and finally basically completed the first and negative public areas of the building in August 2022. Update the transformation, including the installation of air conditioners and replacement panels inside the elevator, the floor of the decoration lobby wall, replacement of smallpox lamps, a negative first -floor parking venue paint and smallpox transformation, etc., and the new appearance has attracted the visit and praise of the owners of other buildings.

Expert advice

It should be simplified to improve the processing process of the application process

Industry experts said that elevator failure, roof leakage, outer wall leakage, and the facade of the building are falling off. These common problems in the use of houses may use special maintenance funds for property. In fact, the establishment of special maintenance funds for property is to provide funding for the update and maintenance of the property of the property. It is elected as the "pension" and "life -saving money" of the house.

According to the "Administrative Measures for the Special Maintenance Funding Fund in Guangzhou": The common part refers Roofs, etc.), corridor channels, stairwells, elevator shafts, property service houses, as well as the outer wall of the house.

After the implementation of the Civil Code, the use of special maintenance funds of the property has been implemented in detail. The reporter found in the survey that due to the application of more than 2/3 of the owners 'consent of the use of special maintenance funds for the use of property, and the process of applying for use is long, many communities' property maintenance funds are in a "sleeping" state for a long time. Property management companies use property maintenance. Special funds are not enthusiastic about upgrading and repairing communities.

How to make the use of special maintenance funds of the property is both efficient and smooth, so that funds are not allowed to fall into a stalemate when urgently needed, and can it be avoided on the blade to avoid abuse? To this end, relevant experts have suggested that the application process of the special maintenance funds of the property should be simplified to improve the timeliness of the processing. For example, set the approval time limit in each link, and set up a supervision link and accountability mechanism to ensure that each maintenance can be implemented on time. It is worth mentioning that the current special maintenance funds of the property also set up a "emergency maintenance project", which can be started when endangering the emergency situation of house use and personal property safety. Emergency situations include 7 categories, of which "the roof and exterior walls are leaked, and the certification of the house safety appraisal agency" can be emergency repair.

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