Hengyang People's Street: Carry out the "safety network" of the global nucleic acid testing and building a "safety network"

Author:Golden Eagle News Time:2022.09.20

New Hunan Client September 20 (Correspondent Zhu Wanqi) In order to do a good job of preventing and controlling the epidemic, in accordance with the unified deployment of the superior epidemic prevention headquarters, Renmin Street, Shigu District, Hengyang City actively acts and quickly deployed. Nucleic acid testing, organizational organs cadres, community staff, and volunteers set up 3 nucleic acid testing points in the jurisdiction, and the regional nucleic acid testing is conducted in an orderly manner.

"Please wear a mask, line up, keep one meter distance, show the health code ..." The staff and volunteers guide the residents to wear masks, maintain a safe interval, queue in an orderly manner, and wait for the test. Residents and masses also actively cooperate with staff guidance, do not cut in line, talk, do not gather, carefully check information, and accept the test in an orderly manner.

In order to ensure that the residents of the community are inspected, community staff, grid staff and volunteers have made every effort to carry out publicity and organization work, and guide the majority of residents to participate in nucleic acid testing through WeChat groups, small speakers, and broadcasting methods. , Do not believe in rumors, do not spread rumors, do personal protection, abide by epidemic prevention policies, actively cooperate with work, and ensure that you do n’t miss one household or one person. As of the day, a total of 6040 people were sampled.

In the next step, people's streets will resolutely implement the main responsibility of the territory, guide the masses to actively carry out nucleic acid detection and sampling work, continue to do a good job of service guarantee for sampling points, strengthen group prevention and control, weave a network prevention and control network, effectively protect the people of the area under the jurisdiction of the districts under the jurisdictions Life is safe and healthy.

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