Seemingly daily mobile phone charging, improper operation also has a great safety hazard ...

Author:Xinjiang Fire Time:2022.09.21

Recently, Changzhou, Jiangsu

A couple put their mobile phones on the living room sofa and charge

Wake up by thick smoke in the middle of the night

Found that the living room has appeared in a bright fire

A pot of water was splashed under panic

Run out and call the police for help

After the fire rescue staff rushed to

Fire in time

And open windows to ventilate the flue gas

But the living room has been burned with a wolf borrowing

Mobile phones are common equipment in our daily life

We can easily ignore

Improper charging behavior

The danger that may bring to us


In July of this year, in Kaifeng, Henan, a mobile phone charger was unplugged in time, resulting in a short -circuit fire and burning. Fire rescue workers rushed to the far -reaching smoke from the high -rise windows, and many people were trapped in the building. At the same time, the rescue workers were searched and rescued by the households by the households, and more than 10 people were evacuated.


In April of this year, in Yangzhou, Jiangsu, a child was charging mobile phones while charging at home, and the power socket suddenly made a spark, causing the surrounding debris and causing fire to burns the family. Fire rescue workers rushed to see that the fierce fire had burned two rooms, and immediately set up a water gun position to extinguish the fire.

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Xinjiang Fire reminds you

Incorrect operation when charging mobile phones

There will be a lot of hidden fire safety hazards

When charging the phone

Use the following correct "posture"

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