Woman, Gan Yu is not hurt lightly

Author:Global Times Time:2022.09.22

At 20:57 on September 21, Gan Yu, who lost contact for 17 days after the 6.8 magnitude earthquake in Luding in Sichuan, was transferred to Huaxi Hospital of Sichuan University for treatment.

Wu Hong, deputy dean of Huaxi Hospital, led experts for emergency department, trauma medical center, ICU, and thoracic surgery.After preliminary diagnosis, Gan Yu's body was crumpled, rib fractures, fox fractures of the left lower limb, accompanied by severe infection.

At present, Gan Yu is conducting related inspections such as CT at Huaxi Hospital.After the injury is further clarified, it will treat it targeted and correct internal environmental disorders.It is understood that Gan Yu's life signs are smooth and sober, but they are weak and need to rest.

Source: CCTV News Client

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