Is the sky -high "cell needle" really effective?Prosecutor Zhuhai revealed the "routine" of pension fraud

Author:Yangcheng Evening News Yangche Time:2022.09.22

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all -media reporter Zheng Da Correspondent Tang Minru

"There is a disease to treat the disease, there is no disease to prevent disease", "anti -cancer and anti -cancer, improving immunity, improving sub -health ..." Under the coaxing of the staff, the elderly believe in it, and take out for many years of pension money. Sky "cell needle". Recently, in a case of scamming and arrest of a scam in Zhuhai's procuratorial organs, more than ten elderly people in Zhuhai were deceived, less than 50,000 yuan, and more than 20,000 yuan. Yuan. Can the so -called high -tech "cell products" really extend their life?

Laosong Song is 75 years old. Although some elderly people are common in chronic diseases, their bodies are still tough. They buy some goat milk and health products in the miscellaneous grain shop near the house. One day, the salesperson in the miscellaneous grain store recommended that Song Lao Song participated in a free tourist project to visit the "Chinese Academy of Sciences" Industrial Park, and also accompanied a physical examination. Thinking that you can understand the forefront of technology by the way without spending money, and by the way, the old uncle Song quickly agreed and left a telephone number. It didn't take long for the staff of the miscellaneous grain store to take him to a place in the Cloud Computing Building of the Chinese Academy of Sciences of Songshan Lake. Elderly.

Prior to this, the company arranged for the elderly to listen to lectures on cellular technology, and asked the mobile phone to shut down without taking pictures. Afterwards, the elderly led the elderly for a "carcinoma antigen" blood drawing project examination. All the early pavement was to lobby the elderly to get "cell needles".

According to the survey, the scammers will understand the economic conditions, physical conditions, and psychological characteristics of each target elderly, and then accurately give the "personality solution" according to the "target customer" situation, and choose the types and prices of different types and prices. Cell needle, even the same thing, gives specific offers according to the bargaining ability of the elderly. Generally, the minimum quotation is 40,000 to 50,000 yuan per needle, and the high is 170,000 yuan per needle. In the face of such a high price, once the elderly agree, even if they can't get so much money for a while, the remaining remaining money can be paid in installments. , Wait for the money to repay after returning home.

The deceived elderly people couldn't think of the so -called "cell needle" of the so -called sky -high "cell needle". In fact, the cost of cell culture only accounted for a very low proportion. On the contrary, the "agent" of the miscellaneous grain shop that attracted the crowds of people and the "experts" of small ceilings, playing, and hitting. A recycled medical company in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and even the nurse who ended up the needle to infusion to the elderly, every link in the serial set was divided into the old -age money of the elderly. In addition to the "name" and the rental venue, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has nothing to do with the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

It is reported that the treatment of stem cells is still at the level of scientific research. Except for mature hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for blood diseases and CAR-T drugs, my country has not approved any clinical application and drug sales. Prosecutors remind consumers, especially elderly consumers, do not believe in the promotion of stem cell curative effects that can cure all diseases. In addition to the trusted consequences, the consequences of the trust must also bear the huge amount of property losses, but also the side effects risks and in vitro of the in vitro of the infusion of cell products. The risk of pollution and allergic reactions during the infusion process.

Source | Yangcheng Evening News · Yangcheng School

Responsible editor | Zhu Jiale

School pair | Zhou Yong

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