Shuihu Town, Changfeng County: Special Cleaning Action for Outdoor Advertising for Urban Management Department

Author:Water Lake Observation Time:2022.09.22

In order to thoroughly implement the unified arrangements of the Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department and the Municipal Civilization Office, in order to further strengthen the management of outdoor billboards (walls), and comprehensively investigate and rectify the problems such as "wrong, vulgar, poor, abuse, and lack of" For the opportunity, the progress of outdoor advertising on the wall of its own carrier and the storage land fence in the jurisdiction is strictly standardized, and the outstanding problems such as many outdoor advertisements, large, broken, and chaos in the jurisdiction have been well handled.

Remove overhead damage advertisement

At high attention, in order to carefully strengthen the organizational leadership of the special cleanup operation of outdoor advertising, our town has established a leading group for outdoor advertising special cleanup and opening work. The work plan clarifies the work goals, cleaning content, completion time and responsibility division of labor and work requirements, and ensure that the cleanup work is carried out in an orderly manner.

Find out the number of bottoms, establish a ledger to take field viewing and photographic records, etc., and the residents' cultural squares of Changshou Road, Changhuai Road, Wushan Road, etc. in the jurisdictions, Changhuai Road, Changhuai Road, Wushan Road and other main roads, construction sites, villages (communities), resettlement communities, and commercial communities Wait for the progress of the setting of outdoor advertising. Aiming at the propaganda vector and storage land fence of the propaganda bar, publicity bar and other propaganda columns, publicity columns in the jurisdiction and publicity columns, and storage land fences that have seriously affected the progress of outdoor advertisements that seriously affect urban appearance and order. Accounts, the foundation is based on the rapid development of outdoor advertising cleaning operations. As of now, 349 outdoor advertisements in Shuihu Town have been investigated, and the number of (damaged and fade) has 119.

Inspection and demolition site enclosure, damaged publicity advertisement

Highlight the key points, comprehensively clean up and use various administrative means, adopt a series of methods and measures combining propaganda and education, rectification and standards, suspension and transformation, demolition and self -demolition, and urge the implementation of the main remediation of outdoor advertising facilities. Leveraged by the Town City Management Branch, the villages (communities) cooperated, compared with the ledger, demolished the progress of outdoor advertisements of outdoor and damaged outdoor, the progress of the outdoor advertising of the appearance, the progress of the loss of outdoor advertising, and the progress of outdoor advertisement for outdoor advertisements Content replacement, standard management of the outdoor advertising progress of electronic display screens to ensure that all outdoor advertisements are clean, tidy, beautiful and intact, and constitute a strong atmosphere of promoting the positive energy of society.

Standard management, establish long -term effects and summarize the work progress of the previous stage, summarize experience, comparative gaps, promoting advantages, lack of improvement, and stability. Continue to focus on outdoor advertising. We will continue to increase law enforcement inspections, resolutely prevent the rebound after governance, and resolutely ban the newly added illegal advertisements to ensure that the special cleanup operation is promoted smoothly, the results are implemented, preventing repeated, rebound, and the quality and quantity are completed. Special investigation and rectification operations.

Edit: Fan Qi review: Liu Lingfeng

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