Dragon Police Story 丨 Women's Mushroom Mushroom Mountains lost, and the police are unremittingly looking for 5 hours ...

Author:Harbin Net Police Inspection L Time:2022.09.22

Source: Dragon Police

"The emotion in those stories

Hidden under the stars

365 days a year, the Xinghe rotes, the four seasons rotate, some people meet a new life in the migration of things, some people are safe between two o'clock, and some people bravely divert their surging life in the sun and the moon. There are many stories that happen every day in this world, and the police camp is like a slightly shrinking "world". Witness the sadness and joy of the world, and the emotions hidden under the stars, the emotions hidden under the stars, flashing the Tibetan blue blue The light of color, illuminates the path of the row.

Dragon Police New Media opened the "Dragon Police Story" column, telling the real story that happened in the police camp.

The autumn rain and the autumn are high. After the rain in the early autumn, the mushrooms grow lush. Every rain over the sky, some people like to pick mushrooms in the mountains. However, due to the complex terrain in the mountains, dense trees, and difficulty in identifying, it is very easy to get lost. Recently, something happened to Moyan Township, Shangzhi City, Harbin. Fortunately, there was a police officer ...

At about 18:00 on the evening of September 16, the police office of the Ma Sheng police station in the Shangzhi Public Security Bureau of Harbin received a report from the masses. It is requested that the police station helps to find.

Seeing that the sky is getting late, if the lost person is not found in time, accidents are prone to accidents. Under the cooperation of the bureau's network security brigade, the police of the Ma Yan Police Station launched the "Bingcheng Red Police" and the villagers familiar with the terrain to search and rescue the mountain. With the first go to the mountain entrance, Sister Ma went to the mountain and forests to conduct a search work. The sky is rainy, the terrain is muddy, and the search is difficult. Regardless of the scratch of thorns, the muddy and sloping of the hillside, and the crowd, they called loudly in the mountains, while setting off firecrackers to attract the attention of the loss. After 5 hours of intensive search and rescue, at 23:00 that night, the disappearance of the disappeared person who had exhausted the disappearance of the disappeared person in Dongxing Village, Ma Yan Township.

The police brought Sister Ma safely at the foot of the mountain. On the time of farewell, Sister Ma held the policeman's hand with tears in his hand and said, "It really scared me, thank you for so hard to save me, thank you so much!"

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