Pass the rule of law to the Farmers Harvest Festival

Author:Farm Bookstore Magazine Time:2022.09.23

In order to solidly promote the rural construction of the rule of law, better provide legal services and the protection of the rule of law for rural revitalization, and improve the sense of rule and satisfaction of the rule of law of employees and masses. On the occasion of the fifth Chinese farmers' harvest festival, the 167th Regiment's Judiciary Organization Organization Carry out the theme publicity campaign of the "Rural Revitalization of the Rule of Law".

The staff of the judicial institute set up a law -popular point in a prominent location in the jurisdiction, publicize the knowledge of safety construction, the construction of the rule of law, the ban on the construction of the rule of law, the prohibition of drunk driving, cracking down on pension fraud, and telecommunications network fraud prevention, etc., and popularized the 12348 judicial service hotline. At the event site, publicity boards and suspension publicity banners were placed, and more than 200 publicity materials were distributed.

Organize the "Law to understand people" to enter the field, and answer hot concerns about civil loan and land contracting on the spot. The use of relevant agricultural laws and regulations to guide the majority of employees and the masses to comply with discipline and law, and create a good atmosphere of "knowing the law, usage, and abiding by the law".

At the same time, the people's mediators conduct special counseling, focusing on the content of "mediation procedures, mediation agreement, the effectiveness of mediation agreement, and principles that should be grasped." Tang Xiaojiang, director of the judicial institute of 167, combined with many years of mediation experience to share mediation skills with participants.

Author: Wang Rong

Edit: Gong Changsheng

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