Jinan West Juye Bridge throughout the line throughout the line

Author:Qilu.com Time:2022.09.23

Qilu.com · Lightning News, September 23rd. On the afternoon of September 22, with the last 30 -meter -long and about 105 tons of box beams, it was stable. The construction of the beam is successfully completed.

The total length of the West Juye River Bridge is the longest bridge of the project. It is also a key part of the project construction. The left side of the bridge penetrated in August, and the construction of the left bridge deck is advancing in an orderly manner. This time, the right range is smoothly connected. It marks another major breakthrough in the overall construction of the project and is another important milestone in the construction of the project.

The West Juye River Bridge is located in the lower reaches of the Wolf Cat Mountain Reservoir. The longest box beam is 40 meters, the longest pile foundation is nearly 50 meters, and the height of the bridge deck is more than 30 meters. Actively implement the concept of innovation and development. Essence The geological structure of the lower part of the bridge is extremely complicated, and the project agency construction, design, supervision, construction, etc. are actively cooperated. Aimed at the large amount of caves in some areas, the special circumstances that are difficult to form holes such as holes and drills. Research, by consulting experts, investigating similar cases and on -site analysis, after repeated experiments, a number of targeted innovation methods were finally explored and determined. The problem not only provides a guarantee for the smooth progress of the bridge project, but also improves the innovation ability of the project builders, and provides solutions for subsequent problems to solve the idea.

As an important node of the project construction, the Xijieye River Bridge, the Qinglongshan Tunnel, and the Qiangshan Tunnel have determined the success or failure of the construction of the entire project. During the construction of the West Juye Bridge, the Construction Office strengthened safety production management, and actively organized the construction, supervision, construction and other centennial quality projects and safety construction site construction to strengthen the management effectiveness of the construction management effectiveness. For the entire process of bridge construction, conduct tactical exercises, hang chart operations, accurately promote every detail of engineering construction, dynamically optimize engineering construction measures, and effectively empower the project construction.

The completion of the Bridge Box Box Bridge in the West Juye River not only provides conditions for the next step to quickly promote the construction of the bridge and bridge deck, and lays a solid foundation for the successful opening of the project.

As an important transportation road support for the implementation of the "Dongqiang" strategy, the construction of the Dongyan project of the tourist road will laid the foundation for the widening the boundaries of the city's development and the promotion of the rise of the regional economy. The project is the connection line of the Jinan direction of the Jiwei high speed. At the same time, it will be connected to the south of Zhangqiu to the east. It will become an important channel for the east direction of Jinan City and contribute to the city's urban development.

Lightning News reporter Dong Jie report

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