The township health center is lively again

Author:Banyue talk about new media Time:2022.09.24

Uncle Li, 69, has always felt unable to work hard recently. Not long ago, he found diabetes in the elderly in Tianyi Town, Ningcheng County, Ningcheng County, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia. Uncle's physical identification. "The doctor gave me diet and exercise guidance based on physical identification. Now that the amount of medicine is rarely controlled, it can control blood sugar." Uncle Li said.

In the town health center, parents who held their children after taking the needle did not rush home. Instead, they gathered in the maternal and child health care room.

In Ningcheng County, there were few patients in the township health centers, because the development of traditional Chinese medicine services became lively. Since early morning, there have been a constant stream of people who have come to the guidance desk to consult with Chinese medicine for medical treatment, rehabilitation physiotherapy, and medicine.

The outpatient volume has doubled

"After the health center was completed in 2016, in addition to providing traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment services, it also implemented the basic public health service project of traditional Chinese medicine." Zhang Guijiang, Dean of Tianyi Town Health Center, said that the health center is a resident of residents over 65 years old every year. Provide traditional Chinese medicine health management services, provide children with Chinese medicine diet and recuperation, and provide Chinese medicine health care guidance for maternal health care.

"Traditional Chinese medicine services have been loved by the masses because of their" simple, convenient, inspection, and integrity "characteristics. They have injected new vitality into the development of grass -roots medical institutions." Zhang Guijiang said that in 2016, more than 10,000 people's annual outpatients in the health center. Last year, It has reached more than 20,000 people, the proportion of traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions is 72%, Chinese medicine drinking tablets and Chinese medicine account for 70%of the total drug income, and non -drug therapy accounts for 30%of total medical revenue.

"Grassroots medical institutions only rely on the Western Medicine Association's" lack of legs', and make up for the power of Chinese medicine to better serve the masses. "Said Mei Jingtao, director of the Tiexi Community Health Service Center of Tianyi Town. As a western medicine practitioner, Mei Jingtao found that when he was working in a township and township hospital, he found that the appropriate technology of traditional Chinese medicine was well recognized by the masses.

The masses accepted by TCM for the Chinese Medicine Hall of TCM in Tianyi Town, Ningcheng County

At present, the Tiexi Community Health Service Center has carried out appropriate technologies such as acupuncture, massage, and acupoint buried lines to treat various diseases such as low back pain and cervical spondylosis. Mei Jingtao said that through the construction of the Chinese Medicine Museum, the number of traditional Chinese medicine outpatient and hospitalization of the health service center increased year by year. The outpatient volume in the first half of this year increased by 40%year -on -year and the number of hospitalization increased by 200%year -on -year.

Improve the traditional Chinese medicine service network

After more than 20 days of traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation treatment, Uncle Jia, a cerebral infarction from Beiping Town, Ningcheng County, has gradually recovered his ability to move from chopsticks and toilets. Entering a ward in the Department of Brain Disease, Mongolia Hospital of Ningcheng County, three patients were undergoing ginger moxibustion and bamboo tank therapy. Uncle Jia, who was lying on the window of the window disease, said happily: "I went to many hospitals before, and the treatment was not effective. I heard that the combination of Chinese and western medicine was effective for cerebral infarction. It's. "

Li Haiyan, the head nurse of the second department of encephalopathy of Ningcheng County Traditional Chinese Medicine Mongolia Hospital, said that the hospital's cerebrovascular diseases such as cerebral thrombosis and cerebral hemorrhage, adding traditional Chinese medicine therapy on the basis of western medicine treatment can reduce the treatment time and improve the treatment effect.

Ningcheng County Traditional Chinese Medicine Mongolia Hospital has taken the construction of specialized specialties as the starting point to promote the improvement of grass -roots Chinese medicine service capabilities. The person in charge of the hospital said that through comparative analysis of the characteristics of the disease spectrum in the county and the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine therapy, the hospital established a key development discipline for Chinese medicine for encephalopathy, conscious diseases, acupuncture, and rehabilitation. At the core, lead the development of Chinese medicine in various disciplines of the hospital.

Du Feiyan, deputy director of Ningcheng County Health and Health Commission, said that at present, 92%of Ningcheng County's health hospitals and community health service centers are equipped with more than 1 Chinese medicine personnel and have a traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine room. Construction tasks of the Chinese Medicine Museum; 90%of the village clinics (stations) are equipped with more than one rural doctor or "energy in the west" of "energy in the West", which can be used to use traditional Chinese medicine or non -drug therapy for traditional Chinese medicine. Basic medical care and preventive health services.

In August, a new phase of traditional Chinese and Western medicine training courses held by Ningcheng County Traditional Chinese Medicine Mongolia Hospital opened. Another group of traditional Chinese medicine technicians from the grassroots level will master more suitable technologies of traditional Chinese medicine through training. Today, the traditional Chinese medicine services provided by grass -roots medical and health institutions are also changing, and the diversified services such as maintaining health, treating health, and rehabilitation from the shift to the treatment of disease treatment.

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Reporter Banyue Talk: Zhang Lina Wei Jingyu | Editor: Li Li

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