Suining Passing Mountain: Go out to do nucleic acid forgotten with the key!They turned into warm heart "big white" ...

Author:Chuanshan Rong Media Time:2022.09.24

At 9 am on September 22, Jiahe Road Rescue Station, the Fire Rescue Brigade of the Payhan District of Suining City, received help: Residents of Yubai West Road, a resident of Yuxi West Road, went downstairs to do nucleic acid forgotten with keys. Because of the silent management status of the wounds, in addition to wearing daily rescue and rescue uniforms, firefighters also transformed into "Bai Bai" and put on protective clothes.

A resident at the scene was anxious at the door of the house. "I was anxious to go out for nucleic acid, and the key forgot to bring it. Because I was in the area of ​​epidemic control, I only called 119 for help." Residents said.

After obtaining the consent of the residents, the firefighters combined with the manual break -through tool group and the electric disassembly expander to break the residential house.

When the fire rescue workers were disposed of, when they returned to the team after a comprehensive disinfection, they received a call from three residents for help. They also went downstairs to do nucleic acid. It is understood that in just one day, the Pianshan Fire helped a total of 4 families to open the door.

The warmth of the Pianshan Fire reminds everyone that during the epidemic, not only do you have to do good at home, and don't forget to bring the key when you go out to do nucleic acids.

Draft Payhan Fire Fighting

Pianshan Rong Media reporter He Lei

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