[Construction of Ping An] Continue to promote the decline in the complaints of rectification by month

Author:Today Time:2022.09.25

In the past few days, the Chengxiang Ecological Environment Bureau has organized law enforcement officers to conduct night inspections and centralized rectifications in accordance with the "mechanism in place, in place, and controlling in place". And distribute the "quiet night guard" leaflet to the merchant.

据悉,为着力解决群众反映突出的城市夜间噪声污染问题,提升百姓生活品质,该局联合区公安分局、区住建局、区城市管理行政执法局、区交通运输局、区文化和旅游局、 Seven departments including the District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau clarify the division of responsibilities in various departments, "bright swords" to noise disturbing the people, and also quietly to the people to improve the sense of happiness and gain of the masses in the main urban area.

The bureau strictly implements the 24 -hour duty system, arranges special personnel to accept and quickly dispose of noise pollution letter visits in a timely manner, and adopt joint law enforcement and measuring tube linkage on the key points, difficulties, and hot petition issues of repeated complaints to promote the efficient resolution of petitions. At the same time, innovative work methods are used to adopt linkage propaganda to guide owners to consciously abide by the relevant laws of noise pollution prevention and control, form a long -term mechanism of "long -term grasping long, really strict", and achieve good improvement effects.

Since the launch of the special operation, the noise complaints handled by the bureau have been handled by 218 in May, 122 in June, and 92 in July to 79 in August. Everything has been settled, the part has a response, and the complaints have declined month by month, and the results are obvious.

Source: Rong Media Center, Chengxiang District, Putian City

Author Chen Lijun Chen Songmin

Edit: Lin Youming

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