The induction of labor causes the babies of the baby's bushes to break the skin behind

Author:Anesthesia MedicalGroup Time:2022.09.25

On the weekend, college classmates called and looked at the grievances. After asking the reason, my mood could not be calm for a long time.

Things are:

A woman had children in their hospital. No abnormalities were found before giving birth. However, it was difficult to give birth during the production process. To help the child come out, the doctor reached out and pulled the child's arm. Finally, after spent a long time, the child came out. However, postoperative examinations indicate that the child may be damaged on one arm bush.

As a result, the family members told the hospital. Faced with huge compensation, the relationship between doctor and patients who had been harmonious before was instantly fell apart.

College classmates are involved.

Some people say that what does obstetrics have to do with your anesthesiology department?

What everyone is unknown is that many mothers are now afraid of pain, so they are required to "give birth without pain." A large number of studies have shown that internal analgesia implemented by the anesthesiology department is the best effect. Therefore, almost all hospitals are seriously dependent on the anesthesiology department as an analgesic.

How can you be involved in an analgesic?

That's it. In order to pass or alleviate compensation, the obstetrics are not related to the maternal use. The reason why he can't use it is that hemp medicine is too much.

It was originally a kind, but the result was like this, who could not be sad.

After comforting the classmates, he told the classmates to tell the classmates that the dosage in the spinal canal was very small and the concentration was very low. Moreover, what she did for the mother at the time was extra -hardening analgesia. This concentration of drugs will not even be completely blocked, and the movement function will not have a significant effect.

Hearing such an analysis, the classmates immediately found the backbone.

I thought the matter was over, but the next day the classmate called again: The hospital said, assuming that the hospital needs compensation, and the anesthesiology department should be shared a little.

If so, it is no different from the back pot. This time, the classmates cried very sadly.

As a dedication to read medical books, we have to picked up legal -related books this time. First, find out what is "medical accident". Because only qualitatively as a medical accident can we talk to losses.

According to Article 2 of the Regulations on the Handling of Medical Accidents, if the following conditions are met, it is a medical accident:

1. The main body of medical accidents is legal medical institutions and their medical staff; if neonatal injury is not caused by legal medical institutions and their medical staff, it does not constitute a medical accident;

2. Medical institutions and their medical staff violated medical and health management laws, regulations, diagnosis and treatment nursing nursing nursing nursing, and routine; the normal operation of medical staff causes baby to hurt, and does not constitute a medical accident;

3. Direct actors of medical accidents have subjective faults in diagnosis and treatment; if infants caused by factors such as force majeure and other factors, infant injury cannot be counted as medical accidents;

4. There is a causal relationship between medical behavior and damage consequences.

It can be seen that there are no problems in the first three. The only thing that can face the number is the fourth. However, it is also necessary to analyze specific issues.

Assuming that when the induction of labor is implemented, the family or maternal damage may be informed and the obligation to informs it.

A sentence here: In fact, there are many similar situations that have lost some money. The main reason is that the medical party is the purpose of small and harmonious development. For family members, you can get rid of some compensation.

The college classmates immediately informed the obstetrics and asked them if they were informed beforehand.

The answer is yes. However, when he asked his family, he completely denied that he didn't remember. He also said that the doctor said so fast and not understood, who could remember.

Because such disputes generally take a long time to solve it, so far unknown below. However, there are too many thoughts that we have left::

Patients came to the hospital to see a doctor, saying that they were vulnerable groups. In this way, it is indeed irrefutable. However, isn't the medical staff facing various people and various contradictions in the front line. Isn't it a vulnerable group?

[Reminder] Pay attention, there are a large number of professional medical sciences here to reveal those things about surgical anesthesia ~

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