The largest new energy equipment base in the province starts construction

Author:Qinghai Pu Law Time:2022.09.26

Qinghai News Network · Damei Qinghai Client News On the morning of September 23, the starting ceremony of the construction of zero -carbon industrial parks in the Haixi Mongolian Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture was held in Derram.

In recent years, Delingha City has played a green ecological advantage, vigorously promoted the development of green low -carbon transformation, fully enhanced the ability of the industrial chain supply chain to gather integration, and established the five major industries of saline -alkali chemical, new energy, new materials, plateau equipment manufacturing, and specialized biological biology industries. For the leading green low -carbon circular development economic system, the industrial agglomeration effect and radiation effect are initially emerged.

It is understood that after the project reaches the production, it will form an annual “landscape storage” integrated equipment 2GW capacity, helping Dezhu Harbin to reinforce the clean energy industry chain, and promote the high -quality development of Haixi New Energy and Equipment Manufacturing Industry. The industrial park is built in three phases, and the layout has a whole machine, blades, tower, generators, electrical equipment, photovoltaic components, energy storage equipment and other industries. After the project is completed, it will become the only wind power equipment manufacturing industry base in the west, the largest and most complete supporting facilities in the province.

Source: Xihai Metropolis Daily Author: Wang Xiuyun

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