Nearly a hundred goats in Huixian, Henan Province, collectively jumping cliffs, experts: The possibility of following the sheep jumping the cliff with the sheep

Author:Pole news Time:2022.09.26

Jimu Journalist Yu Yuan Liu Yerui

Video editing Wang Peng

The head sheep was frightened and jumped off the cliff, and then the flocks also jumped with the head sheep, and more than 90 goats died one after another. On September 24, the above -mentioned bizarre scene occurred in a section of the wall of Huixian City, Henan Province. Some experts said that under special circumstances, there is a possibility of following the sheep to jump cliffs.

According to the Dahe Daily, on a section of the wall of Huixian City, the sheep people led the more than a hundred goats of their own goats to get out of a cave. The head sheep suddenly jumped with the herd behind her. Seeing that the flocks were squeezed and behind, Hulai jumped one by one. The sheep people hadn't reacted what was going on. The herd had fallen to the cliffs of more than sixty meters and fell straight on the Panshan Highway. After surprise, more than ninety goats died.

After the cliff jumping the cliff (picture source: Dahe News)

Why did sheep jump cliffs collectively? The friend of the sheep people said that when the sheep was out of the cave, there were two cars passing. It is estimated that the head sheep was frightened, and then suddenly jumped the cliff. "There are more than a hundred friends of this group of sheep, and they lost more than ninety of them at once. These dead sheep sold them at a low sale on the same day to minimize the loss. Mr. said.

On the morning of the 26th, Jimu Journalists confirmed from the Propaganda Department of Hui County and Municipal Party Committee that the above news was true. The staff of the propaganda department introduced that the sheep of the sheep jumped the cliff after being surprised, and the flocks behind followed the cliff.

Hu Huijian, a researcher and doctoral instructor of the Institute of Animal Research of the Guangdong Academy of Sciences, told Jimu Journalists that under special circumstances, there is a possibility that the flocks have the possibility of following the head of the sheep to jump cliffs.

"Under normal circumstances, the flocks will follow the head sheep, and the same is true of Ma Qun." Hu Huijian introduced that in specific analysis, the degree of emergency at that time needs to be considered. The situation may indeed jump with the head sheep. "

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