"Baked tobacco Kingdom" Luzhou Guiyang: When the "Golden Leaf" is fragrant again

Author:Luzhou Daily Time:2022.09.26

Li Yuehua, a full media correspondent of Chenzhou Daily

Guiyang, "Baked Smoke Kingdom", has the area and production in the province and the second in the country. Since the beginning of this year, the county has acquired 630,800 tobacco leaves, with 243 million yuan of tobacco tax taxi, and average income of tobacco farmers 'income of 123,100 yuan, achieving enterprise efficiency increase, government tax increase, and farmers' income goals. Tobacco leaf becomes "golden leaves", how did Guiyang County, Luzhou City done?

Policies lead the basic disk

This year, tobacco production faces adverse factors such as rising agricultural production data, decreased planting subjects, and frequent natural disasters. Guiyang County planned ahead, issued relevant support policies, and firmly grasped the key links of the production and acquisition of tobacco leaves. Give full play to the advantages of resource, promote the structural reform of the supply -side supply side of tobacco, highlight the characteristics of strong fragrance tobacco leaves, and make efforts in market demand and industrial development.

The county completed the mission of 230,000 acres of tobacco leaves with the "spirit of nailing", which was newly added 240,000 acres over the previous year, laying a solid foundation for the completion of the 630,000 tobacco acquisition plan. At the same time, vigorously implement science and technology to promote cigarettes, focus on the demand for raw materials of cigarette brands, promote advanced and practical production technology, improve the quality of tobacco leaves, and continuously improve the core competitiveness of Guiyang tobacco leaves.

Inject injecting "strong heart agent"

Tobacco leaf is Guiyang's traditional pillar industry, and it is also one of the efforts to implement the strategic positioning of the provincial "three highs and four new" strategic positioning and mission task.

The county continues to optimize the structure of expenditure and continues to increase investment. The new area of ​​tobacco growers will be supported by land transfer. The new area of ​​the county finance will be supported by the county finance to 500 yuan per mu. Investment of 30 million yuan, arrange 1,000 roast house construction plan, and each county financial subsidy of 30,000 yuan for each newly -built roasted house as required.

The county encourages more cigarettes and cigarettes, and formulates incentive measures on the development of smoke towns, villages, tobacco departments, and tobacco industry development service centers, respectively. In just one month, the 630,000 -borne acquisition task was completed at the beginning of the year. The county also gives full play to the guidance and leverage of fiscal funds. Tobacco companies have invested 15 million yuan to promote the construction of smoke and tobacco field land consolidation projects. The loan was 103 million yuan, and 1,350 tobacco households with more than 50 acres were developed.

The department linkages the "regulator"

How about the harvest of tobacco production and whether the quality and price can meet the expectations? Relying on the weather, it is also relying on perfect agricultural production infrastructure.

This year, the county's meteorological department raised more than 3 million yuan to cope with disasters such as low temperature and rain in the early stage of tobacco leaf production, in the later period of drought and rain, and other disasters, and standardized the 21 hail guns to reduce the losses of tobacco farmers.

The county's finance improves the policy of tobacco planting insurance and increases tobacco -lobe supplementary insurance. The power department invested more than 20 million yuan to improve the power facilities. The agricultural and rural departments make full use of the policies of the safety utilization of polluting cultivated land, vigorously promote hybridization technology, and provide more high -quality cultivated land for tobacco production. The county government's overall integration and integration department -related funds, promote the basic construction of farmland, enhance the ability to resist natural disasters, ensure that drought and flood protection and high yields are stable, and to maximize the interests of tobacco farmers.

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