Hedgehog is a guest

Author:Hubei Daily Time:2022.09.27

□ Li Zhijie

In the morning, I went to the backyard to pick loofah, bypass the taro field, came to the wall of the beside the persimmon tree, and found a cyan schoa, and immediately took off. Suddenly, the sound of "rushing" came from the persimmon tree.

This persimmon tree is in his thirties. It is not high, but the branches are strong and fruitful. A loquat tree, a plum tree, and two pear trees are planted in the west side of the persimmon tree. North is two orange trees and a cherry tree. The east side of this fruit tree is vegetable land. Therefore, my backyard is a combination of orchard and vegetable garden.

Usually do not take care of fruit trees, especially persimmon trees. The abandoned vegetable stalks are piled down to make it naturally decay and ferment into fertilizer. Under the persimmon tree is also a weeds, near the original ecology. I am strange to the source of this voice. Except for the long -distance autumn worm murmur, the most loud is the "rush" sound. Seeing, a gray -brown, round small thing was leaf under the tree. Small things are similar to fallen leaves. It is difficult to see without looking at it. The small thing is stabbing with the end of the body, the end is white, like a silver needle. Isn't this a hedgehog! I am surprised. I have been half a year old, the living hedgehog is the first time to see it, and in my own yard, it is really rare and expensive.

Can you catch it? Drive by curiosity, I took a taro leaf nearby and slowly approached the hedgehog. Unexpectedly, the hedgehog did not escape quickly, but tightly curled up his body into a ball, and stood up all his stabs. This is a kind of self -protection of hedgehogs, like a stabbing rose. The rose is beautiful, the hedgehog is super cute and cute, and there is a wonderful work. When I went to high school, I had a blackboard newspaper in the class. I remember there was a small section of "spicy and ironic". The picture was used to hold the hedgehog holding steel fork. I have painted hedgehogs, and the spicy taste is strong. Seeing the real hedgehog, the meat is rolling with thorns, super cute and cute.

There was an abandoned enamel tank around, and I pulled the hedgehog in without any trouble. Two small videos were shot to his wife and son. His wife said that when he was a child, he heard that hedgehogs were also called stabbing fish, eating stomach. My wife cares about my stomach disease, and I realize the love between husband and wife. My son was studying in the UK, and it was midnight, and he immediately replied: raised, feed some apples. The son's reply reveals the childlike and childlike interest. Can you raise it? I thought of Baidu, search for it, hedgehog is the country's three animals. Since it is a state protecting animals, let it return to nature. Where does it come from, where to send it, he must recognize the way home. When his son learned, he suggested that he would be released under the persimmon tree.

I was holding the enamel tank, gently put it under the persimmon tree, and the hedgehog curled into a group seemed to have a beautiful dream, woke up, stretched my body, and pulled the leaves to climb forward. In front of the fell cooked sorganus, sniffed with his nose, and then greedily ate. It turns out that hedgehogs also eat persimmons. Whether the hedgehog has been settled in the backyard of my house or left, I am willing to see it, at least it shows that the ecological environment around us is getting better and better.

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