Aiming at Zhengzhou, embrace Zhengzhou, and coordinate Zhengzhou!Xu Chang: Taking Zheng Xu into a "leading project" for high -quality development

Author:Henan Daily Client Time:2022.09.28

Henan Daily client reporter Wang Ping

The Henan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government have adjusted the regional development pattern of the province. The Zhengzhou metropolitan area expanded from the "1+4" to "1+8", and proposed to create the core section of the "Zheng Xun Xu". In recent years, what are the results in promoting Zheng Xu's integrated development in recent years and how to better serve the construction of Zhengzhou Metropolitan Circle? On September 27, the Propaganda Department of the Henan Provincial Party Committee held a press conference of Xuchang special session of the "Ten Years of Henan" theme series, and the secretary of the Xuchang Municipal Party Committee Shi Genzhi answered questions from reporters on the above questions.

Shi Genzhi said that in the Zhengzhou metropolitan area, Zhengzhou and Xuchang are not only connected by the region, but also have a very strong industrial complementarity. The integration of integration has obvious basic advantages. In recent years, Xu Chang has taken Zheng Xu integration as a "leading project" for high -quality development. The effect is increasingly prominent.

The first is to promote transportation interconnection. In the process of promoting Zheng Xu integration, Xu Chang has always adhered to transportation first, and plans to build rail transit, highways, intercity fast channels, etc. to give full play to the leading role of major linear projects, and better attract people flow, logistics, capital flow, information, information Elements such as flowing. At present, all the five high -speed rail stations in Xuchang have been completed and put into operation, and four transit high -speed and Xuchang North Ring Expressway are accelerating construction. With the opening of the Zhengxu City Railway at the end of this year, Xuchang and Zhengzhou's one -hour commute circle will be fully formed to form a comprehensive three -dimensional transportation network of interconnection.

The second is to promote industrial collaboration. Xuchang manufacturing has a solid foundation, and the total industrial and industrial competitiveness ranks third in the province. Among the 41 industrial industries categories classified by the national economy, Xuchang has 38, which is the biggest feature and advantage of Xu Chang. An important positioning of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government is to build an "important base for advanced manufacturing". Xu Chang adheres to the "industrial city and strong cities in manufacturing", focusing on the high -quality development of the manufacturing industry, focusing on the Xuang Industrial Belt, accelerate the development of electronic information, intelligent equipment, new materials and other industries, promote Zhengzhou's scientific research on scientific research The factor agglomeration advantages and Xuchang manufacturing have complementary advantages, and strive to build a chain development pattern of high -end research and development in Zhengzhou and manufacturing in Xuchang. The energy conservation and environmental protection industry was included in the national strategic emerging industry cluster, with a scale of 100 billion yuan; the scale of the intelligent power equipment industry exceeded 130 billion yuan, and was selected as a national innovative industrial cluster; the new silicon carbon material industry was included in the first batch of provincial strategic emerging industry clusters. At the same time, Xuchang relied on the open hub of Zhengzhou Airlines Port Area to vigorously develop an export -oriented economy. ) Enter the first echelon in the country.

The third is to promote resource sharing. Focusing on public services such as culture, education, medical care, and social security, the high -quality public service resources in Zhengzhou will be extended to Xuchang. Establish a social insurance information sharing mechanism to achieve 530 social security business "province's general office". The Xuchang Campus of Henan Agricultural University and the Central Plains University of Science and Technology have been completed and enrolled; Xuchang Branch of the First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine accelerated the construction. The three majors of Xuchang Central Hospital were included in the provincial regional medical center construction units. Establish a linkage mechanism for the sharing mechanism of Zhengxu's public cultural service system, and sign the "Zhengxu Public Cultural Service Cooperation Agreement" to achieve integration and interoperability with Zhengzhou in terms of talent training, cultural activities, and exhibitions.

The fourth is to promote ecology co -construction. Actively implement the concept of "green water and green mountains are the golden mountains and silver mountains", and build the Zhengxu ecological corridor and ecological belt at high standards, and solidly promote the construction of Shuangyun River National Wetland Park and Heming Lake National Wetland Park to form nearly one million acres of flowers and trees. Lin Hai, more and more Zhengzhou people chose to go to Xuchang to settle in production and leisure vacations. At the same time, the implementation of heavy pollution weather emergency linkage, coordinating the co -construction of cross -regional rivers pollution and the construction of ecology, and the regional environmental quality has continued to improve.

After the Zhengzhou metropolitan area expanded from "1+4" to "1+8", Xu Chang changed from "South Gate" to "core area". The Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government have clearly proposed that "the core section of Zheng Kaizhi and Zheng Xu integration as a support to create the" Zheng Yan Xu "core section." From the "Zhenglong Port" triangle in the past, to the current "Zheng Yan Xu" big triangle, it is a major opportunity for Xu Chang and a major responsibility. In the next step, on the basis of the existing work, Xu Chang will thoroughly study Xu Chang's functional positioning and spatial layout in the urban circle, further strengthen the planning and connection, improve the integrated development system and mechanism, strengthen major project support, and integrate in Zhengzhou Metropolitan area. High -quality development play a greater role and make greater contributions!

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