Shandong Zou Ping Jiuhu Town: Dilite and due diligence to work hard to work high -quality services to warm the people's hearts

Author:Zou Ping Rong Media Time:2022.09.28

The Jiugu Town Convenience Service Center, Zouping City, Shandong is located at the south of the East 100m Road, No. 555, No. 555, Limin 3rd Road, Jiugu Town. It is the structure of the two -story building. The building is the service hall, and the second floor is the office space of various business departments. The service hall was transformed from 12 office rooms to the integrated service hall in the winter of 2019. The lobby is the east -west counter layout. The functional partitions and other functional partitions are "full coverage". The 24 service windows realize 165 service matters "to do the nearest" and one -stop service, and make every effort to create an open, transparent, smooth, convenient, high -quality and high -quality mass satisfaction service center.

Highlight the "full" and create a convenience service center for "capable". All the matter is all. Twelve departments such as market access, civil affairs, disabled federations, human society, retired soldiers, forestry, medical insurance, tap water pipes, agricultural rural areas, real estate management, family planning, and economic management have been settled in 119 government services. The service hall realizes a one -stop service of the full life cycle matters such as fertility registration, medical insurance, social security, employment, production and life, rescue, and pension of nature. Find less ".

The service window is all. Comprehensively implement the reform of the "one window acceptance", integrate and optimize the process of cross -sector or a multi -window of a department, deepen the process of deepening the process, set up 1 comprehensive acceptance window in the general subject, and 17 comprehensive service windows of the department (field) to achieve " "A comprehensive window handle all matters", saving time, effort and worry. Focusing on the needs of enterprises, scientifically set up uniform windows, tidal windows, help off -the -aged windows, find fault complaints, and strive to create standardized, standardized, and facilitating convenience service centers.

Facilities and equipment. In order to serve the needs of the masses more humane, start with a slight point, configure government service information to open touch screens, self -service query computers, fill in single stations, mobile charging stations, rest waiting seats, people umbrellas, water dispenser, book report, fight Poems such as air tube and free WiFi. At the same time, the aging transformation is integrated into all aspects of the convenience center. It is equipped with wheelchairs, needle line boxes, and old flower mirrors to provide more intimate and more convenient and more convenient service environment for the people.

Highlight "real" and create a "fast -working" convenience service center. Management has real moves. In accordance with the work requirements of "one -stop service", "only once" and "one -time running", formulate and improve the management service system of the "Service Hall Management System", "Window Personnel Service Specifications", and "Helping the Office of the Council" 14 items, creating a working atmosphere of positive style, excellent service, and high efficiency. Strengthen daily operations, conduct inspections from time to time, do a good job of dealing with various types of public opinion, and discover problems in a timely manner. Strengthen the management of window personnel, and in terms of behavior behavior, service terms, work discipline, etc., strong quality and outer tree image.

Service is effective. Actively undertake approval matters such as the decentralization of the superior decentralization, equipped with hard -working staff, sort out the announcement of the service guidelines and approval procedures, and organize business training regularly to achieve seamless connection between "lower decentralization" and "undertaking". There are more than 170 categories of approval, and the promotion of government service matters extend to the grassroots. Actively promote the work of "scanning the code", equipped with two code scanning guns in the business window, and a variety of certificates such as the identity card, business license, and other certificates commonly used for high -frequency matters for enterprises. Essence Grasp the Government Service of the Government Service Platform of Shandong Province, to sort out the government affairs services of the town and streets of the town, and allocate 68 town and village government service sites, 1,168 government service matters, and promote the "hand -up" and "online office" of government services.

Supervise the performance. Implement the "good bad review" system for government services, and configure two electronic evaluation device. Establish a distinctive employment orientation, timely adjust the window staff with a conscious active service awareness and poor service capabilities, and cultivate a strong and pragmatic service team. Give full play to the "command stick" role, incorporate the work of the convenience service center into the integrated assessment of the town party committee and government, award and punish the poor, and improve the level of convenience services.

Highlight "warm" and create a convenience service center for "good work". The approval service is warmer. Actively give play to the role of the pioneer of party members, and give priority to the business of special groups such as old, weak, disabled, and active retired soldiers. Precise docking service needs, providing adaptive service methods for people of different ages, and building a sub -level and three -dimensional service system for young people's online office, middle -aged population description, and the help of the elderly. Implement measures such as smiling services, the first question, informing the commitment, and the time limit for settlement.

The help of the agency is warmer. Actively promote the extension of convenience services to the village level. Village -level convenience service stations and "help office" personnel achieve full coverage of 67 villages. 15 matters such as "Registration for" Resident Energy Insurance Insurance "and" Natural Disaster Life Rescue "will be provided. Serve the atmosphere of "everyone is a helper, the pieces are the interior" atmosphere. Innovate on -site office, on -site certificate delivery, coordination and linkage, expiration reminder, contradiction resolution, etc., and send real convenience services to the door of the masses, realize "the masses' mouths, cadres running legs", open up the last mile of serving the masses Essence

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