Before the National Day, the Guangfo Line Jushu Station will open two new entrances and exits

Author:Guangzhou Daily Time:2022.09.29

A few days ago, the Guangzhou Metro Guangfo Line A and B entrances A and B entrances completed the relevant construction and acceptance work. It is planned to officially open foreign services from the operation time on September 30. At that time, there will be 4 entrances and exit of Jushu Station for citizens to enter and exit. The reporter learned that the newly opened A and B ports on Jushu Station are located on the same side of Gaogang Street, and there are flower markets and residential areas around. After the two mouths are opened, the status quo of the surrounding citizens will be solved. Citizens do not need to walk through the C and D ports on the other side of the ground to enter the station, and there is no need to bypass the flower market and houses. convenient.

According to reports, affected by factors such as land acquisition in the early stage, the A and B port A and B of Ju Shu Station cannot be completed and used simultaneously when the station is opened. In recent years, the Guangzhou Metro has gathered multi -party forces. With the strong support of government departments at all levels of the city and district, various constructions The front problem is solved. In order to ensure that it can be opened before the National Day, the Guangzhou Metro will complete the construction tasks of entry and exit decoration, electrical lighting, escalator installation, fire alarm system, water supply drainage and equipment monitoring, etc. Software and hardware equipment such as wall ceiling for inspection and testing to ensure that various equipment and environmental space meet the operation standards, and further improve the quality of operating services and passenger travel satisfaction.

Text/Guangzhou Daily · Xinhua City Reporter: Su Zan Correspondent: Zhou Jie Guangzhou Daily · Xinhua City Editor: Ma Junxian

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