Blue Sky and White Cloud witnessed China's Green Contribution (People's Daily Overseas Edition)

Author:Ecological environment Time:2022.06.25

China's decreased air pollution in 7 years is equivalent to the reduced air pollution in the United States in 30 years. Recently, a study completed by the University of Chicago in the United States has witnessed the significant results achieved by China's air pollution governance and important contributions to global environmental governance.

Atmospheric pollution is a major challenge facing global environmental governance. China takes the initiative to assume the responsibility of the great country in the field of air pollution, and it must be done. In 2013, China issued the "Planning for Air Pollution Prevention and Control", which launched the "Blue Sky Defense War" and became the world's first developing country to carry out PM2.5 governance in the world.

In the past ten years, China's subway wrist wrists were polluting and precise prevention and control. From 2013 to 2021, the average concentration of Beijing PM2.5 fell by 56%, and the number of severe pollution fell by 91%, which was hailed as "Beijing Miracle" by the United Nations Environmental Planning Department.

Not just Beijing. Data show that in 2021, the average number of excellent air quality of 339 prefecture -level and above cities in China was 87.5%; since the "Thirteenth Five -Year Plan", China PM2.5 has achieved a "six consecutive decline". The sky in China is blue every day. There is an old man named Wang Ruchun in Shijiazhuang, Hebei. Since 2014, he has insisted on shooting the same sky every morning, and has almost never interrupted in 8 years. Under the lens of the elderly, the blue sky is more than year a year. In 2021, the excellent air quality of Shijiazhuang increased by 197 days from 2013.

To defend the blue sky, China insists on "two hands": grasping the stains with one hand. Continuously reduce pollutant emissions, strictly control the development of high energy consumption and high pollution industries; grasp green transformation in one hand, vigorously promote clean production, and build a clean green energy structure. Data show that the proportion of China's coal consumption accounted for total energy consumption continued to decline, from 68.5%in 2012 to 56%in 2021, a decrease of 12.5 percentage points. The return of more blue sky and white clouds is due to China's unswerving path of ecological priority and green development. China has accelerated ecological industrialization and industrial ecology, which not only protects the green mountains and green mountains, but also harvested Jinshan Yinshan.

In September 2020, Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed the "double carbon" target at the 75th UN General Assembly, that is, the carbon dioxide emissions strive to reach the peak by 2030, and strive to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. This is the solemn commitment made by China to the world. Philip Clydon, Dean of the Institute of Modern Development of the Sino -US post -Modern Development Research Institute, praised: "The concept of Chinese ecological civilization has a leading role in the world and is an important driving force for the international community to achieve environmental governance goals." John Johnson pointed out that China's "double carbon" goal has important global significance, "this is a watershed in the world's decarburization process."

China is an advocate and actions. Under the leadership of the "double carbon" goal, China's emission reduction and carbon reduction policy system has continued to be enriched. Hydropower, wind power, photovoltaic power generation and other renewable energy and new energy vehicles have developed rapidly. Great car. At present, China's renewable energy installed capacity exceeds 1 billion kilowatts, and 450 million kilowatts of large wind power photovoltaic bases are planned in desert, Gobi, and desert areas. In 2021, China ’s new energy passenger vehicle production and sales exceeded 3.5 million units, with production and sales 7 consecutive consecutive consecutive way The first time in the world is the first. Green and low -carbon production lifestyle is becoming a conscious pursuit of more and more Chinese people.

China not only strives to do its own affairs, but also participate in the global environmental governance process in all aspects. China actively contributes China's wisdom and Chinese plan to promote the construction of global ecological civilization. In October 2021, President Xi Jinping proposed at the Leadership Summit of the Convention on the Convention on the Biological Diversity Convention: jointly build a community of life on the earth and jointly build a clean and beautiful world. From Africa's climate remote sensing satellites, to the low -carbon demonstration zone in Southeast Asia, and to the energy -saving lamps of the island country, China can be visible and touched by China's promoting climate change in South -South cooperation. China implements the Green Silk Road Messenger Program and the South -South Cooperation Plan for Climate Change. It has trained more than 3,000 ecological environmental protection and technical personnel in the field of climate change for more than 120 developing countries. "The state signed a cooperative document in response to climate change.

As participants, contributors, and leaders of global ecological civilization construction, China firmly practiced multilateralism, and will continue to promote the establishment of a fair, reasonable and win -win global environmental governance system, and build a clean and beautiful world with countries around the world.

Source 丨 People's Daily Overseas Edition

Author 丨 Liu Fawei

Edit 丨 Qin Chao

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