I just issued a notice just now!Preliminary judgment as ...

Author:Hangzhou Traffic Economic Broa Time:2022.06.10

At about 10 am on June 9, 2022, a fire occurred in Hangzhou Bay Building Material Market, No. 588 Wangmei Road, Lingping District, Hangzhou. Tourism Development Co., Ltd. (Big Ice World).

After receiving the alarm, the emergency, public security, fire protection, and Wei Jian rushed to the scene for rescue disposal. At around 11 am, the bright fire at the scene was extinguished. By 16:30 pm, 8 woundeds were searched and rescued at the scene, and all were sent to the hospital for treatment. At the same time, the professional medical forces were organized as soon as possible, the treatment channel was launched urgently, the medical treatment plan was formulated, and the wounded treatment was carried out. Another 14 people were inspected and observed.

After a preliminary survey, the fire area of \u200b\u200bthe fire was about 600 square meters, and the main burning substance was decoration materials. At the time of the incident, the site was being maintained in the equipment and was not open.

After the accident, the heads of relevant provincial departments and the main leaders of the city and district levels immediately rushed to the scene to conduct emergency response work. Emergency establishment of emergency response work leadership groups to conduct on -site search, rescue, medical rescue and accident investigation Essence

The cause of the accident is still under investigation, and the preliminary judgment was caused by improper operation during the construction process. Linping District has implemented relevant medical treatment, emergency measures and accidents to deal with the aftermath of the accident to prevent the occurrence of secondary accidents.

Source: Linping Release (LPFB2021)

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